Thursday, October 22, 2015

Samples, samples, samples

1: After starting our first vocabulary words, we moved into a partner/small group discussion of the overlapping and contrasting qualities of RC & MC. Then, we spent the remainder of the hour learning about evidence and citation rules, critiquing sample introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs, and realizing apostrophes need attention too. 

2: Please read the above comments for first hour. Then, we also read "To a Skylark" by Shelley and assigned each student a specific stanza to 1. analyze line by line meaning and 2. identify the speaker's tone. In class, students has time to prepare the aforementioned assignment, and we will be sharing the individual analysis on Friday. Here is a sample analysis for line 1 (not the whole stanza): "Hail to thee" create an apostrophe, a direct address to the bird that is not present. Hail also shows his reverence and elevation of the bird. Blithe creates a cheerful image of the bird and Spirit creates something phantom-like that is more about the soul than an actual physical bird. I did the rest of the lines in class as an example, but I would say that gives you an idea about the specificity you can manage for one line. If you were absent, you will be expected to participate in the stanza analysis, and you should contact me for your assigned stanza.

4: At the beginning of the hour, we wrote down Unit 15 vocabulary words and assigned the vocab expert word for each student. Then, read the above comments for first hour to see the remainder of the class activities.

7: After starting with vocabulary, we finished the sample power point and returned writing prompts. Afterwards, check out the above agenda for second hour. We are currently in the middle of the student analysis and will finish these during Friday's class. All students will participate.

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