Monday, October 5, 2015

Diction Week Continues

First and second hour: We finished vocabulary unit 14's words. If we have time tomorrow, we will review the words during class. Otherwise, we will save the review for the block day. Our diction analysis reading was "Ode on a Grecian Urn" by my beloved John Keats. Following our diction work, the moment of truth, the return of the Orenstein syntax prompts, arrived. Overall, the averages for first and second hour show great improvement. First hour's average is 4.68, over a full point higher than the Banneker prompt. Second hour's average is 4.90, over two points higher than the first prompt. For homework, you are to close read Keats' first letter to Fanny Brawne. During class tomorrow, I will present the diction to the class and then you will be assigned your own letter to do the same style of analysis. The goal is to finish all of the letters tomorrow -- a lofty goal, but it is something we can do!

Fourth hour: We finished vocabulary unit 14's words and will most likely review during the block day. I would like us to catch up a bit to the other AP Lang classes. Next, we (finally) completed Syntax Quiz 3. Our diction analysis reading was "Ode on a Death of a Favourite Cat," in which we divided up the stanzas and analyzed the styles of diction and how this device reflected the theme. For tomorrow's class, I hope you are ready for content. We will accomplish two readings and return the prompts.

Seventh hour: We finished vocabulary unit 14's words and will most likely review during the block day. Next, we had two diction readings from the Romantic poets: "Ozymandias" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn." Tomorrow, we will have prompt analysis and more of my Keatsy as we read and analyze his letters to his beloved Fanny Brawne.

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