Thursday, October 8, 2015

Keats Continues

For all classes, we reviewed vocabulary for the quiz on Friday and we completed a solo syntax quiz with sentences furnished by second hour. If you were absent, you will need to make up this quiz a.s.a.p. as this will count for first quarter grades.

Although all hours are in different stages of diction analysis, each hour is still involved with Keats in some way or another.

1 & 2 = Anonymous peer evaluations in which your essay was read by 4 other students. Utilize their score and feedback to compose a final draft of the essay. This final draft (handwritten or typed) is due by 3:30 p.m. on Friday. Hard copy if in school; digital copy is absent. If you were absent for the peer evaluation, you are still expected to turn in the final draft by the deadline.

4 & 7 = We began or finished (depending on your hour) the analysis of Keats' letters and his usage of diction. You were assigned a prompt for the letters, which you will need to get directly from me. Write a first draft -- handwritten or typed -- and bring to class on Friday for anonymous peer evaluations. The final draft will be due Monday --- if you are absent on Friday, you are still expected to turn in this final draft by the given deadline.

And since it is National Poetry Day in England, a thought regarding poetry from my Keatsy.

"Poetry should surprise by a fine excess and not by singularity, it should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost a remembrance." - John Keats

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