Friday, October 30, 2015


Hello, my children of the night.

1: We finished the Wuthering Heights prompt. For any of you missing class, the prompt will need to be made up by November 4.

2: First, read above. Then, you were assigned the Lucy assignment -- the log in which you will detail purpose, characterization, tone, and other elements while reading Autobiography of a Face and Truth & Beauty. Remember, you need to check out one of the texts by the end of the day Monday.

4: See first hour.

7: After reviewing vocabulary for your quiz on Monday, you were assigned the Lucy assignment, which will be a log for your reading of Autobiography of a Face and Truth & Beauty. If you were absent, you can wait until Monday for the assignment since you do not have one of the texts with you.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29 - 2 & 4

I haven't seen all of you in so long!

2: Tone prompts were turned in by 7:30 a.m.  Then, we read a passage from Wuthering Heights and analyzed the diction, imagery, syntax, structure, and tone via group analysis. To add to this prompt, we did a partner activity, which will help set up Friday's work. Make sure you bring this prompt and notes back for tomorrow's class.

4: In small groups (which occurs during all our collaborative learning since we are a party of 12), we analyzed the "Nightingale" stanzas. Then, it was time for the tone prompt assignment. The tone prompt deadline is Monday at 10:15 a.m. whether your are present (hard copy) or absent (digital copy). The final product may be handwritten or typed depending on your fancy.

In addition, we read the Wuthering Heights passage and broke into another group scenario analyzing its diction, imagery, syntax, structure, and tone. We will finish the tone group on Friday and then you will be writing this prompt during class. Make sure you bring your materials!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tone & Overall Rhetoric - 1&7

1: After resuming vocabulary, we divided into small groups to analyze and identify the tone of the stanzas in "Ode to a Nightingale." Then, you received the tone prompt for our "birdie" poems. The tone prompt essay deadline is 7:30 a.m. on Friday - whether you are in class or absent. If in class, you are expected to turn in a hard copy by this deadline; if you are absent, you are expected to turn in a digital copy by this time. The essay may be handwritten or typed, depending on the writer's preference and situation.

We then began our return to multiple rhetorical strategies by reading the opening passage of Wuthering Heights in which we met Mr. Heathcliff and his abode. Through an opening discussion, we ascertained basic ideas of the character and setting. Then, in new groups, you analyzed one of the suggested prompt strategies to share with the class. Thus far, first hour has completed diction and imagery.

Friday's class will be 1 hour and 15 minutes due to scheduling. As this is an awkward amount of time, our exact agenda will depend on completion of certain steps for the Wuthering Heights prompt. I know that we will resume our group analysis for syntax, structure, and tone. We will also do more pre-work on this prompt. After that, we shall let the clock tell us how to proceed. Make sure you bring back your Wuthering Heights passage -- you do not want to lose any of your valuable notes for Friday's class.

7: Yes, I am the wicked witch making you complete 2 prompts in a 48 hour period.

After we finished Unit 15 vocabulary, we competed in last person standing, which Erica won! We will review on Friday and your quiz will be Monday.

Then, we returned to the Wuthering Heights passage in order to finish group analysis of syntax, structure, and tone. Following that analysis, you were regrouped into partnerships for the last pre-writing activity for this prompt. I am purposefully not writing that specific step down for the blog. Following this step, you gnashed your teeth, gave me the evil eye, and picked up your pen or pencil to compose the prompt, which was a 40 minute timed writing.

If you were absent, you will need to make up this writing in school --- as it is a timed writing prompt. However, you can definitely prep the passage via close reading to prepare for the prompt itself. Any absentees will need to set up an appointment to complete the prompt, which will need to be done by November 2. I will be giving this prompt in other hours this week as well if you would like to use study hall time for completion of the prompt.

For Friday's class, we will be spending quality time with the three musketeers -- logos, ethos, and pathos. We may be on the floor again!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

7th Hour Only

For our abbreviated version of class today, we added 4 new vocab words to our vernacular. Then, we started reading the next prompt on Wuthering Heights. We will be working more on this during tomorrow's class. If you would like a copy, e-mail me and I will send you a digital attachment of the passage.

Your tone prompt is due by 12:55 p.m. on Wednesday --- whether you are here (hard copy) or absent (digital). Writer's choice of typed or handwritten.

See you tomorrow -- back to our Scholar Quiz scrimmage. A team just won the first match!

Monday, October 26, 2015


First off, I wish all of you luck on the practice ACT tomorrow. As I mentioned in class, remember to use process of elimination, choose the most simple answer on the English portion, answer every question, and mark up your reading booklets (seriously, close reading is beneficial in so many ways -- it helps your comprehension and aids your speed in recovering textual answers).

Now, for the hourly report...
1: We finished "To a Skylark" individual analysis. For homework, read "Ode to a Nightingale" by Keats -- which can be found online at thousands of poetry websites -- and be prepared to share analysis and tone identification on Wednesday. We will also resume vocabulary and you will be assigned your tone writing prompt. As I mentioned in class, we will have two prompts this week and you will need to be responsible with all of your assignments and time management.

2: We finished "To a Skylark" and "Ode to a Nightingale" via individual, class, and small group analysis. While it was a rush job with Keats -- a sin in my eyes, but we needed to finish today-- you did receive the tone writing prompt. This prompt may be handwritten or typed -- writer's choice or circumstance -- and the deadline is 7:30 a.m. on Thursday. If you are absent, I must receive the prompt response at this same time via attachment or share.

4: Same as first hour above.

7: We read and completed small group analysis on "Ode to a Nightingale" and received the tone prompt assignment. The prompt may be handwritten or typed and the deadline is Wednesday at 12:55. If you are absent, I must receive the prompt response at this same time via attachment or share.

And, to give you a little reading about lesser known history in St. Louis and to put you in the Halloween spirit: You never know -- this could be one of your examples for an argumentative essay.

Friday, October 23, 2015

To a Skylark - 7th hour

This will be a brief synopsis - vocab, ACT information, finished "To a Skylark" analysis. Next week, we will read, analyze, and prepare the next text for your tone prompt. Enjoy your weekend -- your class is still in the lead!

To a Skylark - 1st, 2nd, & 4th hours

For all of the listed hours, we began with vocabulary and an informational handout regarding the practice ACT on Tuesday.

1 & 4: We read "To a Skylark" by Shelley and I modeled for you how to do your individual assignment, which is to complete a line-by-line analysis of an assigned stanza and identify the tone(s) the speaker has towards the bird. If you were absent, you will need to contact me for your assigned stanza. You are expected to participate in this activity on Monday.

2: We began (and, unfortunately, did not finish) our "To a Skylark" participation stanzas. We will resume with stanza 18 on Monday and quickly wrap up the rest of the poem so we may read our secondary text.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Samples, samples, samples

1: After starting our first vocabulary words, we moved into a partner/small group discussion of the overlapping and contrasting qualities of RC & MC. Then, we spent the remainder of the hour learning about evidence and citation rules, critiquing sample introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs, and realizing apostrophes need attention too. 

2: Please read the above comments for first hour. Then, we also read "To a Skylark" by Shelley and assigned each student a specific stanza to 1. analyze line by line meaning and 2. identify the speaker's tone. In class, students has time to prepare the aforementioned assignment, and we will be sharing the individual analysis on Friday. Here is a sample analysis for line 1 (not the whole stanza): "Hail to thee" create an apostrophe, a direct address to the bird that is not present. Hail also shows his reverence and elevation of the bird. Blithe creates a cheerful image of the bird and Spirit creates something phantom-like that is more about the soul than an actual physical bird. I did the rest of the lines in class as an example, but I would say that gives you an idea about the specificity you can manage for one line. If you were absent, you will be expected to participate in the stanza analysis, and you should contact me for your assigned stanza.

4: At the beginning of the hour, we wrote down Unit 15 vocabulary words and assigned the vocab expert word for each student. Then, read the above comments for first hour to see the remainder of the class activities.

7: After starting with vocabulary, we finished the sample power point and returned writing prompts. Afterwards, check out the above agenda for second hour. We are currently in the middle of the student analysis and will finish these during Friday's class. All students will participate.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

EAR Tone Maps

I kind of like having every hour doing a different component of tone work. Make sure you are following your correct hour. And, if you are absent, you are expected to be prepared for the next class session -- either via this blog or via e-mail.

1 & 2: Floor circle time as we analyzed your partner tone maps and read the character narratives of "Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy." For homework, create a tone map for you assigned poem and indicate tone shifts by lines and not by stanzas. Do not forget to complete the paragraph analysis on the back in which you use specific diction and evidence to validate the tone shifts and purpose.

4: ACT Practice Prompt Day. Your solo tone map is due on Thursday. Make sure that you are indicating tone shifts by lines and not stanzas. Do not forget to complete the paragraph analysis on the back in which you use specific diction and evidence to validate the tone shifts and purpose.

7: In partnerships, we compared and contrasted the RC and MC tone maps. Remember, when you are indicating tone, it is the author's feeling and not how the reader feels upon arriving at a shocking conclusion. Next, we started a power point of Keats Prompt examples. This included the "Citation Doctor," a review on how to cite and punctuation properly. More of that to come tomorrow...Your class is still in the lead.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Keats Prompt Example Power Point

I have been typing up the final touches on the example power point for the Keats prompt and my hand is quite sore from all of the strong introductions, thesis statements, body paragraphs, evidence examples, and conclusions! Rereading these essays has been a complete pleasure and should motivate you to take your inherent writing strengths into timed writing prompts.

And to make this night even better, Dancing with the Stars just started with a group number to "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" and I am flashing back to the summer of '87. And, Olivia Newton John is judging -- Sandy, oh Sandy! With that tangent, back to homework for me!

The Sentichievous ACT Writing Prompt Day

1, 2 & 7: For the entire hour, you completed the ACT writing prompt practice. Remember, this will provide a marker for your writing ability on the actual exam in April.

*7th hour, do not forget to bring your individual tone map to class on Tuesday.
*If you were absent on Monday, plan on writing during Tuesday's class.

4: Congregating on the floor for a tone map discussion, we saw how certain patterns exist in "The Children's Hour" and the connection to parenting and childhood. And, in exciting news, taking over from Keats and his ability to shape the lexicon, we have a new tone word to introduce to the world: SENTICHIEVOUS! Tomorrow will be your opportunity to take the ACT writing prompt. Due Thursday will be your individual tone map on your given poem. If you were absent, contact me for the specific poem assignment.
*Sentichievous is a made up word and should not be utilized on any AP exams.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

7th Hour Tone Meeting

I will find any excuse to have a meeting in a circle on the floor. As seventh hour tone maps ahead of the other hours, I thought the rest of you would like a little preview of how we will review our partner tone maps. 
Seventh hour, don't forget to complete your solo tone map for Tuesday!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tone Mapping Continues

1 & 2:
We constructed a tone map for "The Children's Hour" and completed a paragraph analysis of one tone pattern and its role in the purpose of the poem. On Monday's class, we will be taking the ACT Practice Test Writing Prompt -- all hour. On Tuesday, we will review your partner tone maps and then commence on a solo endeavor.

We finished, amidst an earthquake drill, the tone map for "Chicago" in order to provide an example for your future mapping needs. Then, we read "The Children's Hour" and completed the tone map for the text. On Monday's class, we will move onto step 4 of the process -- the analysis -- and review all the maps. On Tuesday, we will be taking the ACT Practice Test Writing Prompt -- be prepared to write an outstanding essay.

I am typing this prior to class, so we shall see if we finish all of these items on the agenda. First, we will be analyzing your tone maps from "The Children's Hour." Then, we will be reading 2 new poems: "Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy." Following the reading, each student will be assigned one of the poems to complete an individual tone map, which you will need to complete for Tuesday's class. ACT Practice Test Writing Prompt will be Monday.

*If you miss the ACT practice prompt, you will make this up the next class period.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Buzzer Day

With the PSAT taking the majority of first, second, and fourth hour students, in-class antics revolved around reviewing strategies via the Scholar Quiz buzzers. As we had additional time, we also used historical allusions for review. Tomorrow, these three hours will return to tone mapping with "The Children's Hour."

Meanwhile, seventh hour was fortunate to have a full class roster. Hence, we worked on a partner tone map for "The Children's Hour."

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tone Mapping

Today's class concentrated on the tone map, its purpose, its construction, and its application. Using "Chicago," we created a tone map by following these steps:
1. Identify the tone shifts in the poem. While some tone shifts may be dramatically apparent, the AP Langers should also take out the microscope and look for subtle shifts that show the evolving nature of a text.
2. Assign a specific tone word to each section of the poem. Popular tone words today included laudatory, vituperative, indignant, pompous, vehement, hubristic, and, my favorite, jingoistic.
3. Select two "opposite" tones from your selected tone words. The other tone words will exist between these opposite terms. For instance, one class selected laudatory and vituperative as these opposites.
4. Create your map. The top will feature the differentiation of lines (1-5, 6-8, and so on) and the left side will feature the opposites. Plot the tones across the map and connect the dots to show the pattern.
5. Analyze patterns -- overall or in sections -- to understand why a writer utilizes specific tone shifts for the text's purpose. The most impressive analysis came from first hour and their perspective of "Chicago" introducing a claim, a counterclaim, and a rebuttal on the speaker's understanding of his city.

With PSAT tomorrow, we will be adjusting the tone week agenda to accommodate our small number. The buzzers will be out for rhetorical strategy competition. For full classes, we will continue forward with a partner tone map on "The Children's Hour," which first and seventh hour have already read.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Tone Games

The classes are almost in sync again, and tone is the rhetorical strategy that has joined us together. Overall, we have identified varying types of tones using the umbrella list and the AP "big kid" list, which features tone words that will be featured on the Multiple Choice section. Tomorrow, we will read (or "revisit" for first hour) "Chicago," the poem by Sandburg that has a plethora of tone shifts and create tone maps.

Off to read your Keats prompts...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Competition, Tone, & Evaluation

At some point, all AP classes will be on the same agenda, but that will not happen today...

1 & 2: We finished our rhetorical strategy competition and these are the rhetorical strategies/devices/terms that caused some struggle: synecdoche, metonymy, symploce, active/passive voice. In case you would like to learn more about these terms, here are a few links with definitions, examples, and activities.

If you were absent, we completed the Unit 14 vocab quiz, which will need to be made up by Tuesday prior to the grading deadline. I also passed out 3 tone handouts to help you with our tone week, which starts next week.

4 & 7: Our class focused on anonymous peer review of your Keats essay. The final draft deadline is Monday @ 2:45 p.m. The final draft may be handwritten or typed. If you are absent, this must be turned in digitally or it will be considered late.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Keats Continues

For all classes, we reviewed vocabulary for the quiz on Friday and we completed a solo syntax quiz with sentences furnished by second hour. If you were absent, you will need to make up this quiz a.s.a.p. as this will count for first quarter grades.

Although all hours are in different stages of diction analysis, each hour is still involved with Keats in some way or another.

1 & 2 = Anonymous peer evaluations in which your essay was read by 4 other students. Utilize their score and feedback to compose a final draft of the essay. This final draft (handwritten or typed) is due by 3:30 p.m. on Friday. Hard copy if in school; digital copy is absent. If you were absent for the peer evaluation, you are still expected to turn in the final draft by the deadline.

4 & 7 = We began or finished (depending on your hour) the analysis of Keats' letters and his usage of diction. You were assigned a prompt for the letters, which you will need to get directly from me. Write a first draft -- handwritten or typed -- and bring to class on Friday for anonymous peer evaluations. The final draft will be due Monday --- if you are absent on Friday, you are still expected to turn in this final draft by the given deadline.

And since it is National Poetry Day in England, a thought regarding poetry from my Keatsy.

"Poetry should surprise by a fine excess and not by singularity, it should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost a remembrance." - John Keats

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Just a brief reminder -- a syntax quiz is on the horizon and it will feature second hour's sentences. This will be solo and for a performance grade. You may want to review your syntax types in the upcoming days.

From the title of this blog, only half of the AP classes understand the reference, but the rest of you will no doubt be indoctrinated in the world of purplue by the end of next class. I need to find a pair of shoes that are purplue --- a challenge I am willing to take.

1st & 2nd hours
Today was all about my Keatsy and his letters to Fanny Brawne. During our class diction analysis, you may have noticed common diction, analogies, motifs, and other related strategies as he continues to document his feelings and impressions of Fanny over the course of their romance. For homework, you are to complete the assigned prompt from class. (If you were absent, you will need to e-mail for the prompt.) The prompt may be handwritten or typed -- just remember to not put your name on the product as we will be completing anonymous peer reviews during your block session. Do my Keats justice with your writing!

4th hour
As with the Banneker prompt, you stole the show with your writing and voice in the Orenstein prompt! During class, we continued with our diction analysis by reading and presenting "Ozymandias" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn." For homework, you will need to close read the first letter in the Keats' letters packet.

7th hour
After the return of the Orenstein prompt, we began work on Keats' letters packet by close reading the letter and having my example of how to analyze a letter for its diction. Then, you were given a specific letter to close read and discuss in your small groups. We began our presentations of the letters, and we will finish these tomorrow during the block class.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Diction Week Continues

First and second hour: We finished vocabulary unit 14's words. If we have time tomorrow, we will review the words during class. Otherwise, we will save the review for the block day. Our diction analysis reading was "Ode on a Grecian Urn" by my beloved John Keats. Following our diction work, the moment of truth, the return of the Orenstein syntax prompts, arrived. Overall, the averages for first and second hour show great improvement. First hour's average is 4.68, over a full point higher than the Banneker prompt. Second hour's average is 4.90, over two points higher than the first prompt. For homework, you are to close read Keats' first letter to Fanny Brawne. During class tomorrow, I will present the diction to the class and then you will be assigned your own letter to do the same style of analysis. The goal is to finish all of the letters tomorrow -- a lofty goal, but it is something we can do!

Fourth hour: We finished vocabulary unit 14's words and will most likely review during the block day. I would like us to catch up a bit to the other AP Lang classes. Next, we (finally) completed Syntax Quiz 3. Our diction analysis reading was "Ode on a Death of a Favourite Cat," in which we divided up the stanzas and analyzed the styles of diction and how this device reflected the theme. For tomorrow's class, I hope you are ready for content. We will accomplish two readings and return the prompts.

Seventh hour: We finished vocabulary unit 14's words and will most likely review during the block day. Next, we had two diction readings from the Romantic poets: "Ozymandias" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn." Tomorrow, we will have prompt analysis and more of my Keatsy as we read and analyze his letters to his beloved Fanny Brawne.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Golden Power

AP Lang classes are at different diction points, so make sure to read your specific hour.

1 & 2:
Today, we analyzed "The Cat" and "Ozymandias" for how the diction ties into the purpose. Then, I threw you the curve ball: what commonality exists between these two texts. Impressively, both classes concentrated on the warnings of power and greed and that " A Fav'rite has no friend!"

During class, we focused on analyzing the autumn quotes and how the diction impacts each text. We have one left to go -- a tonal shift from our previous autumn loving writers -- on Monday. We will also take Syntax Quiz 3 -- finally!

All of our attentions was on that poor Selima and her metaphorical connection to women's greed of gold and reputation. For next class, we will look at other poems for diction.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Diction of Autumn

Today's syntax quiz was brought to you by 7th hour today! I hope you like armadillos!

Diction week begins with Rossetti's "A Birthday," celebrity quotes, autumnal quotes, and the mock heroic "Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat." From our discussions, our close readings, and our group presentations, you have witnessed the multitude of ways to describe and analyze diction. The "fire" motif into colors and ashes was a shining moment of strong presentations in first hour! And, the definite and indefinite diction analysis of Bradbury was an example of higher level thinking in seventh hour! And, the harmonise/hectic juxtaposition of first and second hour added to the analysis of nature and humanity's impact on it.

Here are the quotes from today in case you would like to read them again:
"Spring passes and one remembers one's innocence.
Summer passes and one remembers one's exuberance.
Autumn passes and one remembers one's reverence.
Winter passes and one remembers one's perseverance.” 
  Yoko Ono

“October, baptize me with leaves! Swaddle me in corduroy and nurse me with split pea soup. October, tuck tiny candy bars in my pockets and carve my smile into a thousand pumpkins. O autumn! O teakettle! O grace!”  Rainbow Rowell, Attachments

“Is not this a true autumn day? Just the still melancholy that I love - that makes life and nature harmonise. The birds are consulting about their migrations, the trees are putting on the hectic or the pallid hues of decay, and begin to strew the ground, that one's very footsteps may not disturb the repose of earth and air, while they give us a scent that is a perfect anodyne to the restless spirit. Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."

[Letter to Miss Eliot, Oct. 1, 1841]”  ― George Eliot

“Use what you have, use what the world gives you. Use the first day of fall: bright flame before winter's deadness; harvest; orange, gold, amber; cool nights and the smell of fire. Our tree-lined streets are set ablaze, our kitchens filled with the smells of nostalgia: apples bubbling into sauce, roasting squash, cinnamon, nutmeg, cider, warmth itself. The leaves as they spark into wild color just before they die are the world's oldest performance art, and everything we see is celebrating one last violently hued hurrah before the black and white silence of winter.” - Shauna Niequist, Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way

“He had never liked October. Ever since he had first lay in the autumn leaves before his grandmother's house many years ago and heard the wind and saw the empty trees. It had made him cry, without a reason. And a little of that sadness returned each year to him. It always went away with spring.

But, it was a little different tonight. There was a feeling of autumn coming to last a million years.

There would be no spring. - Ray Bradbury, After Midnight