Friday, November 8, 2019


Normally, I take pictures of my current classes' tone maps, but my phone is full of an 8-month-old cherub that I selfishly have decided not to delete and replace with tone mappage (not a word, but I want it to be one). Ergo, you have an above example (fifth hour of last year) of what a tone map should be and how it can be utilized for analysis.

A tone map starts with the text, the identification of tone shifts throughout the text, the selection of a tone adjective to describe the tone of each section, the the determination of a range, or two words that encompass all of the tones, the plotting of tones in relation to the range tone words, the connecting of dots, and, finally, the delineation of the patterns inherent in the tone map. As always, jingoism is a popular one for "Chicago," the poem that we completed together as a class.

In first and third hour, we also started our next round of tone mapping by reading "The Children's Hour" by Longfellow and breaking up into partners to identify each stanza's tone. If absent, you should prepare the same tone adjectives for each stanza so that you  may join a group next class.

In four hour, we finished our class tone map and will await our next passage on Monday.

In seventh hour, we looked at our "big kid" tone list, highlighting some of our favorite words for future tone needs. We then moved onto the "Chicago" class tone map.

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