Friday, February 2, 2018


1: After vocab and tone, we began looking at exemplification by reading "The History Teacher" and identifying the purpose, relevant examples, and range of examples in the poem. Then, we over-viewed how to break down an exemplification: brainstorming, thesis making, relevant example selecting, range determining, and specifying via writing. To end the hour, we divided into groups and set up a Google doc in which your group is brainstorming all possible examples for the abstract noun of vision. Absent students will have this document and, as with all of you, add as many examples as you can for Monday's class.

3: With only 6 of you during the majority of the class, we began Vocab Unit 18 and reviewed tone words in our circle.

4: Nothing new to report - the three of us played on the buzzers today.

7: We worked with new vocab and tone words and then followed up by evaluating your exemplification paragraphs, which you will revise prior to the start of our next class. Even if you are or have been absent, you are expected to complete your exemplification paragraph that has been assigned to you by the group.

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