Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Quizentine's Day

On this Quizentine's Day, or SAD Day or Quirky Alone Day (Valentine's Trivia is so much fun!), we completed a plethora of activities as we move forward with tone work, arguments, and multiple choice.

1: We started with copying down Unit 19 of vocab, which will begin on Friday. Then, we looked at our second MC passage (happy joy!) and analyzed the correct and incorrect answers for future test-taking prowess. Next was tone paragraph #3 with the overwhelming favorite topic of the end of the world. Faith, you have callous as your tone word. Through paragraphs, the speed learning process, and the circle review, you are currently aware of several new tone words. At the end of the hour, you received the rangefinders for our CDQ prompt, which you will need to evaluate with a number by Friday.

3: We did all the above in first hour. However, your topic was weather for our latest paragraph. Julia, your tone word is clinical. If you were off singing during class, you are still responsible for completing this paragraph.

7: We copied down our next vocab unit and then spent quality time analyzing the CDQ rangefinders for the humorist prompt. Last, we looked at one more CDQ prompt via thesis statements and examples. To make it more interesting, we looked at what were more collegiate, mature examples and what were more high school, jejune examples. For argument, you want to provide as many upper-level examples as possible.

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