Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Agenda Board Moves On

As we keep moving through the agenda on the board these past two weeks, we are moving closer and closer to putting all of these skills into action with further exemplification, abstract noun argumentative prompts, and a MC test. And, the allusion wall continues to grow. I am about a third of the way through the literary allusion posters, which means history and culture are what will follow. I probably need to order more magnets. I always need to order more magnets. 

1 & 3: We'll be back to your second multiple choice passage for grading and analytical purposes tomorrow. In the meanwhile, you had your CDQ diagnostic prompt today to see what your strengths and weaknesses are with the former type of argumentative prompt. This is the only CDQ essay that you will be writing as we will be back to abstract noun work shortly. 

4: We reviewed vocab, which means your quiz over unit 18 and the second burst of tone words will be on Thursday. For the rest of the hour, we worked with your third MC practice passage, which featured a great deal of rhetorical strategies to identify. I guess that means you may have to review these terms again! For homework, score the rangefinders for the CDQ prompt.

7: We completed the vocab/tone quiz for today and then did everything above that fourth hour completed. 

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