Sunday, February 11, 2018

The CDQ Week Continues

1 & 3: We reviewed vocab for the quiz over unit 18 words and tone words of the past - so make sure you look over the list of words encapsulated in a blog earlier this week. Following that vernacular enterprise, you continued to work on and finalize the steps to exemplification using Lucy (yes, I typed the verboten "L" word there) and Ann quotes in the CDQ (challenge, defend, qualify) argumentative vein. Through the steps on Wednesday and Friday, you determined the avenue of your argument, composed thesis statements, brainstormed mighty lists of possible examples that would be narrowed to a manageable 4, and prepped to share all the above with explanatory measures in class. Although we made a substantial dent in a sharing all of the group's examples (and what a wide range!), we will need to complete the remaining groups on Monday. Whether you have completed your part or are speaking during Monday's class, pay close attention to all of the examples and the explanations. We must be looking at all of these CDQ exemplification elements for a reason!

4 & 7: As it has been on the board all week, the time for the CDQ diagnostic prompt became a reality. Forty-two minutes to create this argument on a topic that shall not be named (especially to the other classes - we don't want them to have an unfair advantage). We will be back to our agenda list on Monday, which will include wrapping up vocab unit 18, creating and/or reading tone paragraphs, learning a new set of tone words, practicing more multiple choice passages, and eventually moving back to those abstract nouns for argumentation. 

P.S. All hours, we have been building up a great deal of vocabulary, allusions, tone words, exemplification, and multiple choice work, which may seem minor as of February 9th. However, all of these elements will coalesce into a full MC test and several formal arguments (with exemplification, of course) in the next 2 - 3 weeks, so be ready to put all of this knowledge to the test! And, don't let time become your adversary or the antagonist that haunts your writing. If you keep your mind on time, you will not you have mind on what is most important of all: the actual multiple choice passage and/or the essays. Time is your friend and will help you focus by reading with purpose and writing with organization. As someone who has been taking a great deal of multiple choice passages lately, I know time can be a daunting concept. However, I also know that if I keep my pencil moving via close reading, notes, process of elimination, and moving forward when I am stuck on a question, I know I finish with time to spare. 

P.P.S. The Scholar Quiz team is hosting the St. Charles League on Tuesday, February 20, throughout the 400 and 600 hallways. There will be 2 matches starting at approximately 3:30 p.m. If you would like to watch any of our 4 teams in action, you are welcome to sit in the back and watch as a spectator. 

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