Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Certainty & Doubt

As mentioned in all classes - or at least it will be at some point this week - make sure that you are not missing class unless it is a true emergency. We have spent all of these weeks leading up to the "big" assignments, which means all those mega points will occur this week and next week. For instance, you have your full MC test on the block day and 2 argumentative prompts to complete. 

1 & 3: After reviewing tone words and adding to vocabulary, we worked on philosophical-style prompts (i.e. abstract nouns with exemplification). At this point, you have an AP prompt and a box prompt handout to complete regarding the relationship between doubt and certainty. Make sure to have this box prompt completed for tomorrow's class. 

4 & 7: For your vocab and tone quiz today, we worked in a team style. If absent, you will, alas, have to take the quiz by yourself in the next 48 hours. Following the quiz, you received your CDQ prompts back - with fourth hour averaging 5.80 and seventh hour 5.81. Looking forward to see the averages for the other hours! As with all arguments, you want organization (strong claim with original diction, topic sentences setting up each exemplification paragraph, concluding warrants explaining the ultimate connection between the claim and the example, a counterclaim either referenced or fully developed, and a rebuttal utilizing an example) and a variety of examples.  Last, you shared your certainty/doubt box prompts with each other. For homework, you will be writing the essay for the certainty/doubt prompt. You are on the honor system, and here are the rules and regulations: you will time yourself 40-50 minutes, you will write on notebook paper just as you would in class, you may use a dictionary for spelling, you may not use a thesaurus, searches, or friends, and you will turn this in hard copy by the indicated date below. As with any assignment, if you are here at any point during the day it is due, you must turn it in to avoid penalty. If you are justifiably absent, you will send a picture by the given time to indicate your completion of the prompt.

Fourth Hour Prompt due by Thursday @ 3:30 p.m.
Seventh Hour Prompt due by Friday @ 3:30 p.m. 

As a head's up, I will be introducing the next essay - the human flaw essay - to your classes tomorrow, which means you will have another one to work on very shortly. If time permits, you may want to write your certainty/doubt prompt this evening and turn it in early.

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