Monday, January 22, 2018

Tone Words Round 1

Before we go over today's agenda, here are all the tone words for the hours. As you may have surmised or heard, you will be quizzed on this set of vocab words and this will occur in the near future prior to our next round of tone paragraphs.

First Hour:
·         Bellicose
·         Contemptuous
·         Elegiac
·         Empathetic
·         Erudite
·         Fatuous
·         Formal
·         Incredulous
·         Irreverent
·         Kowtowing
·         Laissez-faire
·         Lugubrious
·         Malicious
·         Nihilistic
·         Partisan
·         Pedantic
·         Polemical
·         Reverent
·         Scathing
·         Supercilious
·         Trite

·         Vituperative

Third Hour:
·         Abstract
·         Ambivalent
·         Apathetic
·         Apprehensive
·         Archaic
·         Caustic
·         Cautionary
·         Churlish
·         Clichéd
·         Concrete
·         Cynical
·         Dejected
·         Derisive
·         Didactic
·         Impartial
·         Obsequious
·         Poignant
·         Pompous
·         Pretentious
·         Provocative
·         Resigned
·         Ribald
·         Seductive
·         Urbane

·         Whimsical

Fourth Hour:
·         Audacious
·         Bantering
·         Biting
·         Colloquial
·         Disdainful
·         Forthright
·         Gauche
·         Hubristic
·         Incensed
·         Nostalgic
·         Patronizing
·         Reticent
·         Sardonic
·         Vehement

·         Wistful

Seventh Hour:
·         Callous
·         Candid
·         Choleric
·         Clinical
·         Demoralized
·         Diffident
·         Earnest
·         Effusive
·         Enervating
·         Facetious
·         Gothic
·         Insolent
·         Jejune
·         Jingoistic
·         Jovial
·         Laudatory
·         Macabre
·         Omnipotent
·         Sentimental
·         Simple

1 & 3: We read "Harvest Song" for its descriptive writing qualities - sensory details, figurative language, imagery. For homework, write (1-3 paragraphs) a description of the cafeteria at lunch time or the hallway during passing period. You will be expected to include 4-5 of the senses and create a specific mood for the reader's experience. We then continued forward vocab and tone words before jumping into another mode of discourse: process analysis. This mode can be directional (a recipe to be replicated) or informational (an article regarding brain surgery for knowledge and not replication - no matter what any of you say). We will be working with process analysis situations tomorrow.

4 & 7: We highlighted the different sensory details in our descriptive writing, which should result in a rainbow of images! Then, we added more vocab words and reviewed tone words. Last, we moved into process analysis and its differences between directional and informational. At the end of the hour, you began your group work for our directional process analysis performances. We will be working on this during class tomorrow and, hopefully, find out who has the best (or worst, in this case) process.

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