Monday, January 29, 2018

Modestly Moving into the Tone Round 2

1 & 3: Due to time constraints, we finished only two items on the agenda today: the Modest Proposal MC and the vote for multiple choice passage topics in the upcoming week. In either class, if you missed this assignment, you have 48 hours to take it or schedule a time.

4: After our last person standing vocab review, we gathered round and took part in speed learning our second batch of tone words. How happy for all of us that several words are repeats from the last bath or our vocabulary studies! After this circle craziness, we moved into exemplification by reading "The History Teacher" by Billy Collins to identify the purpose of the poem, the relevant examples, and the range. Following that reading, we looked at the 5 steps to constructing an exemplification, which we will put into practice during tomorrow's class. To round out the hour, our 3 exemplification groups created a shared Google doc for this week's activities.

7: We reviewed for the vocab and tone quiz tomorrow and then spent the rest of class writing tone paragraphs on Netflix, reading these for samples, and speed learning our second set of tone words. Charlee, you have gothic as your tone & Sam, you have cautionary. If any time was leftover, we may have overviewed exemplification, which will be our next mode of discourse for the next week or so.

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