Friday, January 26, 2018

Bad Dates & Cults

I really thought I had seen it all in bad date land and then comes a girl chewing her food in order to spit it into her cat's mouth! Thanks to all of our bad date participants this week. I hope that some of these examples do not come from real life!

1: And our worst date for first hour happens to be Bobby and his "laziness" towards bathrooms, cleaning, and hygiene! From his display to badgering younger siblings spilling family secrets, we had a crash course or what not to do on a date and how to recognize a process analysis if it should come up in a MC passage or prompt. For the remainder of the hour, we reviewed vocab and tone words for the quiz on Monday.

3: Cicely stopped by to view 6 horrendously horrible - and entertaining - dates that ran the gamut from hot sauce packets to poorly applied makeup tutorials to stepping in dirt to "show how down to earth you are" to singing - loudly in both instances - to music to ingesting a bit too much at the table to throwing a purse around to creating an awkward love call that causes men to punch each other. With such a show, all 6 could be considered crownable for worst date, but that honor goes to Mia and her own methods to "Lose a Guy in 20 Minutes." We ran out of time in class for review of vocab and tone words, so make sure you prep for Monday's quiz.

4: After finishing up the 15 words of vocab, we graded your MP MC texts and then selected the next topic for tone paragraph 2: cults. We made it through the reading portion of the paragraphs, and will work on speed learning these new tone words on Monday. Kennedy, your tone word is obsequious.

7: I think this is how it shall go: finish up the 15 vocab words and review tone words, complete the Modest Proposal MC test, brought to you by first hour, and start our next round of tone paragraphs by choosing the topic. If absent, you will need to schedule a 30 minute time for making up the MC.

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