Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Rhetorical Analysis #2

Technically, I suppose it is rhetorical analysis #3, but I'm not counting the prompt as part of your development as a rhetorical analyst. At this point, you are participating in another practice, and you should be able to understand the gist of what you will be working on the rest of the semester.

 And, before I delineate our completed work today, I want to send kudos to seventh hour for their enthusiastic attitude, well-written purposes today, and their clever strategy identification (Taylor & Faith - wow on that umbrella!). We are catching up after missing a day of class last week!

1 & 3: We continued with vocab experts (first hour stands at 8; third hour stands at 12). You worked in a collaboration to identify the purpose of "Story of an Hour," looking at why the author is writing the text. Purpose requires a specific infinitive (to expose, to exemplify, to illustrate, and many more that you identified) and the "about what" or topic at hand (some stunning diction across the hours). Next, your group selected strategies to reflect the purpose, and you were assigned to write one paragraph analyzing one of the strategies. The rest of the hour was card games, working on your toolbox, and working on your portfolio. Make sure to bring your portfolio back to class on Friday, where it ill remain awaiting all of your writings.

7: Wow - what a class period! First, you received feedback on your "Theme" strategy paragraphs and how to improve for the next one (to be introduced very shortly.) We then - finally - started vocabulary and reviewed a few rhetorical strategies as well. To mix it up, we then read "Story of an Hour," and you created purposes and highlighted strategies in the text. for homework, you will be writing your strategy paragraph for the text. In addition, make sure to bring back your decorated portfolio for Friday's class. If you had to step out early due to golf, stop on by tomorrow for a portfolio.

All AP Lang Classes -

P.S. If you are struggling with identifying purpose, I recommend trying this out whenever you read an article (news, sports, pop culture). Read your selected text, and then determine what the author's purpose is in writing. Even if it is an article about the latest Justin Bieber news, you can determine if the author is using derogatory language to criticize his youthful indiscretions or utilizing fawning language to express affection for his activities. (I'm not sure why I chose Justin Bieber for this example, and I'm not sure why I know enough to create purposes for articles about Justin Bieber. Yes, I read everything.)

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