Thursday, August 17, 2017

Card Games

We started off class today with the Vocab Experts assignment. Each of you received one vocabulary word, and you will teach the class the definition, at least 2 synonyms, and a memory trick for the word.

Third & fourth hour will start vocab experts on Friday; first & seventh hour will commence on Monday due to discipline reviews during those hours.

Next, we played with our rhetorical term cards and matched terms to definitions. Competition-wise, fourth hour had the highest accuracy with 60% for the AP Lang classes (5th hour did win overall AP English with a score of 80%). Remember, many of these terms are brand new to you and your classmates. This is the first immersive step into learning and recalling the terms and their meanings. We work with these cards all year - yes, all year - so you will continually add the AP Lang jargon to your own diction (notice that I just put two terms in that sentence).

At the end of class, you received "Theme on English B" to read. This is solely a comprehension read to understand the plot and what is happening in the poem. You are instructed to not write out the handout, to not take notes, and to not identify rhetorical devices. We will do all of that as a class next time around (Friday for 1, 3, 4 and Monday for 7).

Tomorrow will be a bit different for each hour due to our schedule, but I do have a surprise for all of you tomorrow at the beginning class.

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