As an AP Lang student, you have the opportunity to earn college credit in a variety of manners at a lower cost than you would on a college campus.
First, you can earn college credit during the course by signing up and paying $65-66 per credit hour. Your grade for the course will then transfer to your college transcript. Second, you can earn college credit from scoring a 3 or above on the AP test in May. This allows you to have credit for a 3 hour course, but you will not receive a grade on your transcript. Our class prepares you for this test as we go through prompts, practice exams, and skills to help you score well. (The average last year was a 3.3.)
Now, this is not a Sophie's Choice situation - you can do both, and if your individual situation works, I highly encourage you to do both and amass as much college credit as you can while in high school. I have had students in the past take college credit through one of the schools during first semester and then just take the exam second semester. While I do encourage you to do every AP and advanced credit option available to you, it ultimately comes down to you, your family, and your future aspirations.
And on a final note, I do know that, in almost every case of education, more college credit earned via dual credit or AP exams can only help you.
Now back to AP Lang Land...
1: We reviewed your vocabulary today, which mean a quiz is tomorrow. We attempted to jump back into the tips power point and managed to wrap up the scoring expectations. Obviously, there are many tips remaining - about 15 slides worth if I remember correctly. We will then have paper meetings to discuss you writing. Remember, nothing to be lachrymose about on this diagnostic prompt. I have a feeling that if I gave you the same prompt today (calm down, it is a hypothetical), the majority of you would do infinitely better.
3 & 4: You completed your first vocabulary quiz. Then, we made it through the AP scoring handout and (fourth hour kind of) a review of essay organization to help guide your future essays. I know you were disappointed to not hear all the tips and tricks of rhetorical analysis writing, so we will just have to finish up next block class.
7: We finished up our 15 vocabulary words, which means the review is tomorrow and the quiz will be Friday. Then, you were formally introduced to the 1-9 scoring scale and the goal sheet for your rhetorical analysis essays. We started a review of paragraph structure, and you know have tips on how to construct your introduction and your thesis statement. More tomorrow!
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