Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Improving the Vernacular

In all hours today, we paid attention to our vernaculars in the form of vocabulary and tone words. How will this assist us in the near and far future? Other than sounding really smart in writing and social situations, your additional word bank will come into play with your comprehension of passages and in your own essay writing. Dependent on your class size, you are learning - in speed form to start and on a daily basis for long-term - a plethora of tone words.

1: Tone work with speed learning, circle review, and circle points, vocab, sharing descriptive writing.

3: Tone work with tone paragraphs, speed learning, circle review, and circle points, vocab.

4: Finish allusion posters round 1, tone work with tone paragraphs on the topic of flat earth theory and speed learning.

7: Tone and vocab work, close reading a multiple choice passage, identifying types of multiple choice questions. Make sure to finish identifying the remaining questions - just don't answer yet!

Here is a preview of the work you will be doing with the sub tomorrow. I left agendas on the board for you to take as well:

AP LANG 1st & 3rd, and 7th Hour:
Vocab/Tone Words:
Please give the gold vocab book and the given cards/note to Keith (1st hour) and Lauren (3rd hour) and Nikki (7th hour). They will run vocabulary and tone words today. If they happen to be absent, ask for a volunteer to take their place.
Process Analysis Reading:
After vocab, have students grab an AP Lang textbook and turn to pg. 459.  Read the essay out loud – however you would like to do so with volunteers? You? After each big paragraph, pause, and talk about what kind of process analysis this is (directional or informational), what is the purpose of each paragraph, and any other comments that the students have. Return books to shelf.
Process Analysis Skit:
Have students pick their own groups – 3-4 people per group. If someone is absent, don’t count them into the groups.
Each group will then create a directional process analysis, a step-by-step instruction on how to replicate an activity. The process will be at least 20 steps, and each step needs to be specific. Creativity is a plus, so have fun with this. Then, next class or so, one member of the group will read out the steps and the other members of the group will act out the steps. Props and costumes welcome.  The directional process analysis will be “HOW TO BE A BAD DATE.”

Vocab/Tone Words
Please give the gold vocab book and the given cards/note to Andy. He will run vocabulary and tone words today. If he happens to be absent, ask for a volunteer to take his place.
Descriptive Writing
Have students take out their descriptive paragraphs (this was due yesterday; if a student does not have one, he/she will still be part of the circle, just someone will have nothing to read for a round). Have them gather in a standing circle. Pick right or left and have students pass their paragraph in that direction. Continue to do this for maybe 8-10 times. Then, ask for volunteer readings of strong descriptions (maximum of 3).
Return to seats with own paragraph. Students will need 5 different colors (pens, markers, highlighters – they can use stuff on my desk). Make a key at the top of the paper with each color representing one of the five senses. Then, highlight the examples in the writing accordingly. This should take 3-5 minutes. Then, generally ask what senses were most used and what was not and why.
Collect paragraphs please.
Process Analysis Reading:
Introduce the 2 types of process analysis: directional (replicate steps such as a cookie recipe) and informational (knowledge only such as a brain surgery article).
Have students grab an AP Lang textbook and turn to pg. 459.Read the essay out loud – however you would like to do so with volunteers? You? After each big paragraph, pause, and talk about what kind of process analysis this is (directional or informational), what is the purpose of each paragraph, and any other comments that the students have. Return books to shelf.
Process Analysis Skit: *If you have time to start, please do. If not, this can wait 
Have students pick their own groups – 3-4 people per group. If someone is absent, don’t count them into the groups.
Each group will then create a directional process analysis, a step-by-step instruction on how to replicate an activity. The process will be at least 20 steps, and each step needs to be specific. Creativity is a plus, so have fun with this. Then, next class or so, one member of the group will read out the steps and the other members of the group will act out the steps. Props and costumes welcome.  The directional process analysis will be “HOW TO BE A BAD DATE.”

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