Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A, B, C, D, E

If there are letters involved, odds are you are about to have an eye exam or you are about to take part in multiple choice passages. In fourth hour today, we started our advance into the world of AP Lang multiple choice and how these passages differ in content with a need for ultimate close reading of ideas, shifts, purposes, modes of discourse, themes, tones and a dash of rhetorical strategy to aid in your elimination of possible answers in the answer portion. As with any MC environment, process of elimination is the best strategy that you can do EVERY TIME to help your accuracy. As we did spend an inordinate amount of time regarding one passage and its understanding (enjoy it now because eventually timing will come into account), the main takeaway is to close read and use strategies to amass the best score possible on each passage.

Overall in fourth hour, we finished up the vocab and reviewed tone, worked with MC passage 1 as noted above, and began the allusion posters round 3.

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