Friday, January 31, 2020

More, More, More

1 & 3: We finished up allusions round 3, copied down unit 17 vocab to start expert work on Monday, we drew our new tone words and wrote paragraphs. First hour's topic was beaches. Xavier, you have the tone of macabre. Third hour's topic was dreams. Julian, you have wistful for your tone; Lauren, you have quizzical.

4: We finished up allusions round 3 and reviewed for the vocab and tone quiz on Monday.

7: We added vocab and reviewed tone prior to finishing our third multiple choice passage.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

That First Passage or Second, Depending

A block day means a lot of activities, and the focus of all the hours revolved around multiple choice in one way or another. At this point, all Langers have worked with a multiple choice passage, and while some may some it is difficult, some may say it is a hodgepodge, and some may say it is easy, all can agree that you have to CLOSE READ the passage to have a better chance at accuracy.

Before moving onto our agenda of Thursday, do remember that if you are requesting additional allusion posters, you will need to do so by Tuesday. There are still a plethora of allusion posters left, so make sure to claim some and help yourself and your classmates too!

1 & 3: Vocab/tone quiz plus our first multiple choice passage plus the start of the allusion posters. First hour ended up with the highest score 11/12.

7: Copied down vocab unit 17 plus finished our second multiple choice passage plus shared our allusion posters plus began our second round of tone words with the hotly contested topic of dollar menus.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A, B, C, D, E

If there are letters involved, odds are you are about to have an eye exam or you are about to take part in multiple choice passages. In fourth hour today, we started our advance into the world of AP Lang multiple choice and how these passages differ in content with a need for ultimate close reading of ideas, shifts, purposes, modes of discourse, themes, tones and a dash of rhetorical strategy to aid in your elimination of possible answers in the answer portion. As with any MC environment, process of elimination is the best strategy that you can do EVERY TIME to help your accuracy. As we did spend an inordinate amount of time regarding one passage and its understanding (enjoy it now because eventually timing will come into account), the main takeaway is to close read and use strategies to amass the best score possible on each passage.

Overall in fourth hour, we finished up the vocab and reviewed tone, worked with MC passage 1 as noted above, and began the allusion posters round 3.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Amassing our Allusions

Since I spend a majority of my day discussing Biblical, mythological, literary, cultural, and historical people, stories, and related minutia, I can attest that all of you are learning something through these posters, and that "something" may make appearances in your future argumentative essays! Our third of fourth allusions will begin during the block day!

1: Finished allusions round 2, reviewed vocab and tone, overview of MC strategies, selection of our next tone topic: the beach.

3: Finished allusions round 2, reviewed vocab and tone, overview of MC strategies.

4: Finished allusions round 2, added vocab and reviewed tone.

7: Completed vocab and tone quiz, commenced work on MC Passage 2.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Seventh Hour Tone Words Round 1

Seventh hour's tone words for the first cycle:

·         Bantering
·         Caustic
·         Clichéd
·         Concrete
·         Eulogize
·         Fatuous
·         Insolent
·         Irreverent

As a reminder, all of these tone words come from the "big kid" tone lists from last semester.

Fourth Hour Tone Words Round 1

Fourth hour's tone words for the first cycle:

·         Abstract
·         Apprehensive
·         Audacious
·         Bellicose
·         Churlish
·         Contemptuous
·         Dejected
·         Demoralized
·         Derisive
·         Earnest
·         Effusive
·         Erudite
·         Facetious
·         Informal
·         Laissez-faire
·         Omnipotent
·         Patronizing
·         Pedantic
·         Poignant
·         Polemical
·         Trite

As a reminder, all of these tone words come from last semester's "big kid" tone lists that also feature definitions.

Third Hour Tone Words Round 1

Third Hour's Tone Words for first cycle:


Do recall that all of these tone words are from last semester's tone lists, which feature the definitions as well. 

First Hour Tone Words Round 1

First Hour's Tone Words for this first cycle, total of 20:

·         Candid
·         Clinical
·         Cynical
·         Diffident
·         Disdainful
·         Gothic
·         Impartial
·         Incredulous
·         Jejune
·         Jingoistic
·         Lugubrious
·         Malicious
·         Nihilistic
·         Nostalgic
·         Partisan
·         Reverent
·         Sentimental
·         Vehement
·         Vituperative
·         Wistful

All of these tone words come from last semester's "big kid" tone lists, so definitions are included there.

The Remaining Worst Dates

Congratulations - or not - to our remaining worst dates: first hour's Xavier, third hour's Kameren, and fourth hour's Alex. All three gentleman gave us a smattering of what not to do on a date, whether it be focusing on a Lego collection, dressing up as Superman, or speaking in Shakespearean, amongst other romantic choices. Hopefully, all classes have a better understanding of process analysis now!

In first, third, and fourth hour, we are currently in vocab/tone work (tone words will be posted in just a moment as you are expected to know these for your quiz later this week) and sharing the second round of allusion posters.

In seventh hour, we reviewed vocab and tone since your quiz is tomorrow, we returned to MC by reading the passage, identifying the types of questions, and using process of elimination to find the correct answer.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Friday & Beyond

In all hours, you had guidance meetings, which did take up the majority of class. Hence, in first, third, and fifth hours, we are still in process of bad date skits, allusion posters round #2, and vocab/tone work. Seventh hour has finished the bad dates, and Blake has been named the best worst date for his class. Congratulations!?!

As our allusion posters will continue for the next couple of weeks, there are still many allusions that have not been assigned. Since more knowledge is better than less, each of you may request up to 3 additional allusion posters for extra credit. These extra allusion posters are due on the same day as allusion poster #4 and will be presented after your assigned fourth one - as in you have to do your original ones prior to anything extra. Interested? All you have to do is e-mail me with your requested posters numbers and how many you would like to do. I highly recommend sending a list in case what you want might already be taken. I will respond back to you with which ones you have then claimed. Do not make posters without confirmation as this is first come, first served type of deal.

Remaining allusion posters: 146, 148, 149, 151, 152, 154, 155, 158, 160, 161, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 186, 220, 262, 264, 269, 270, 272, 273, 276, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 301, 303, 358, 374, 382, 384, 389, 392, 397, 398, 403, 406, 410, 412, 416, 418, 421, 422, 425, 427, 430, 431, 434, 436, 439, 440, 442, 443, 444, 446, 447, 449, 450, 452, 453, 455, 456, 458, 459, 461, 462, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 471, 472, 474, 475, 477, 478, 479, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Improving the Vernacular

In all hours today, we paid attention to our vernaculars in the form of vocabulary and tone words. How will this assist us in the near and far future? Other than sounding really smart in writing and social situations, your additional word bank will come into play with your comprehension of passages and in your own essay writing. Dependent on your class size, you are learning - in speed form to start and on a daily basis for long-term - a plethora of tone words.

1: Tone work with speed learning, circle review, and circle points, vocab, sharing descriptive writing.

3: Tone work with tone paragraphs, speed learning, circle review, and circle points, vocab.

4: Finish allusion posters round 1, tone work with tone paragraphs on the topic of flat earth theory and speed learning.

7: Tone and vocab work, close reading a multiple choice passage, identifying types of multiple choice questions. Make sure to finish identifying the remaining questions - just don't answer yet!

Here is a preview of the work you will be doing with the sub tomorrow. I left agendas on the board for you to take as well:

AP LANG 1st & 3rd, and 7th Hour:
Vocab/Tone Words:
Please give the gold vocab book and the given cards/note to Keith (1st hour) and Lauren (3rd hour) and Nikki (7th hour). They will run vocabulary and tone words today. If they happen to be absent, ask for a volunteer to take their place.
Process Analysis Reading:
After vocab, have students grab an AP Lang textbook and turn to pg. 459.  Read the essay out loud – however you would like to do so with volunteers? You? After each big paragraph, pause, and talk about what kind of process analysis this is (directional or informational), what is the purpose of each paragraph, and any other comments that the students have. Return books to shelf.
Process Analysis Skit:
Have students pick their own groups – 3-4 people per group. If someone is absent, don’t count them into the groups.
Each group will then create a directional process analysis, a step-by-step instruction on how to replicate an activity. The process will be at least 20 steps, and each step needs to be specific. Creativity is a plus, so have fun with this. Then, next class or so, one member of the group will read out the steps and the other members of the group will act out the steps. Props and costumes welcome.  The directional process analysis will be “HOW TO BE A BAD DATE.”

Vocab/Tone Words
Please give the gold vocab book and the given cards/note to Andy. He will run vocabulary and tone words today. If he happens to be absent, ask for a volunteer to take his place.
Descriptive Writing
Have students take out their descriptive paragraphs (this was due yesterday; if a student does not have one, he/she will still be part of the circle, just someone will have nothing to read for a round). Have them gather in a standing circle. Pick right or left and have students pass their paragraph in that direction. Continue to do this for maybe 8-10 times. Then, ask for volunteer readings of strong descriptions (maximum of 3).
Return to seats with own paragraph. Students will need 5 different colors (pens, markers, highlighters – they can use stuff on my desk). Make a key at the top of the paper with each color representing one of the five senses. Then, highlight the examples in the writing accordingly. This should take 3-5 minutes. Then, generally ask what senses were most used and what was not and why.
Collect paragraphs please.
Process Analysis Reading:
Introduce the 2 types of process analysis: directional (replicate steps such as a cookie recipe) and informational (knowledge only such as a brain surgery article).
Have students grab an AP Lang textbook and turn to pg. 459.Read the essay out loud – however you would like to do so with volunteers? You? After each big paragraph, pause, and talk about what kind of process analysis this is (directional or informational), what is the purpose of each paragraph, and any other comments that the students have. Return books to shelf.
Process Analysis Skit: *If you have time to start, please do. If not, this can wait 
Have students pick their own groups – 3-4 people per group. If someone is absent, don’t count them into the groups.
Each group will then create a directional process analysis, a step-by-step instruction on how to replicate an activity. The process will be at least 20 steps, and each step needs to be specific. Creativity is a plus, so have fun with this. Then, next class or so, one member of the group will read out the steps and the other members of the group will act out the steps. Props and costumes welcome.  The directional process analysis will be “HOW TO BE A BAD DATE.”

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Allusions Round 1

4: We started off with copying Vocab Unit 16, which means that round of your new vernacular begins next class. We looked at "Harvest Song" by Toomer and his use of sensory imagery, figurative language, and mood-creation to create a clear descriptive mode of discourse. For homework, you are writing 1-2 paragraphs describing the hallway during passing period to an audience that has never had the "pleasure" of witnessing it. Make sure to include as much specific details and comparisons to make this an effective description. We began our first round of allusion posters and will finish the last show and tell presentations next class.

1: Same as fourth hour with the additional elements of finishing the allusion posters and starting our first round of tone words. At this point, you have your tone word, you have written one paragraph on the topic of macaroni & cheese (wow, who would have thunk gothic, partisan, and malicious tones would harvest such creative and memorable paragraphs), and began the process of learning the tone words via memory tricks and speed learning. We will continue with tone work next class with the goal of retaining all of those tone words in the next week or so.

3: We began vocab experts for Vocab Unit 16, we shared your descriptive paragraphs of the hallway during passing period (the "beast" that it is) and highlighted the five senses in your writing to see the most popular (sight, touch, auditory) and least popular (smell, taste). We presented and discussed 22 allusions from the Bible, myth, literature, pop culture, and history, which means you all learned something today. We moved into tone work by selecting a topic for creative writing - the sun - and drawing your tone word that you will use to write about the sun. If we have class tomorrow, bring back your tone word, and we will complete the writing portion during class. However, if we don't have class, make sure to write your paragraph over the weekend. In class, I would give you 10 minutes to do this activity, so use that as a gauge.

7: Same as third hour with vocab, descriptive writing, and allusion posters. However, the tone work portion of the show will involve selecting the topic, writing the paragraph, and speed learning activities to retain the tone words. If absent, check with me regarding the topic and your individual tone word.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Solution? Tone Map It

A little anecdote regarding how an assignment in AP Lang can become an assignment outside of class. One of my students was having a bit of anger today, and this emotion has a habit of turning this person into a fuming, unhappy personage that none of us would like to see. One of my other students, in a burst of innovation, suggested that the original student should tone map his/her feelings to calm him/her down. While we laughed about that idea (hey, it's AP Lang-related and would any of you really make a tone map to chart your feelings and come to some understanding regarding them?), this person actually made an anger tone map later on in the day. And, guess what? This student said it worked to gather his/her feelings! It's on my board right now as a reminder that tone maps are more than just an assignment - they can actually aid your emotional turmoil or confusion, something that happens on occasion to all of us. Ergo, if I'm having a rough day, I could try out this technique to better my perspective. So thank you to the person suggesting the tone map beyond a reading passage! You never know - it might just work in many circumstances!

Meanwhile in classroom antics, we are in the midst of the January hodgepodge, including the start of allusion posters during next class:

1: Copied down Unit 16 vocab to start next class, discussed English class options for next year (yes, I would love for all of you to take AP Lit, but I know that some of you are natural fits for its parameters of some of you have other goals to pursue - whatever the case, choose what is best for you! And remember, you can take more than those 2 English credits if you are a writer, reader, speaker, and want more learning in this department), created your topic cards for tone paragraphs and read a couple samples to involve you in the future assignments. Make sure you bring your notes regarding "Harvest Song" as we will go into descriptive writing next time.

3: Copied down Unit 16 vocab to start next class, analyzed the descriptive elements of sensory imagery, figurative language, and mood in "Harvest Song," assigned homework to write 1-2 paragraphs describing the hallway here at school during passing period with your audience a person who has never witnessed this scene and utilizing all those sensory image and figurative language,  discussed English class options for next year (yes, I would love for all of you to take AP Lit, but I know that some of you are natural fits for its parameters of some of you have other goals to pursue - whatever the case, choose what is best for you! And remember, you can take more than those 2 English credits if you are a writer, reader, speaker, and want more learning in this department).

4: Reviewed the fallacies from the Republican debate transcript. While we won't be doing any more fallacies in class together, there might be another transcript coming your way in the near future. Assigned "Harvest Song" for you to close read for sensory imagery and figurative language. Began our discussion of  English class options for next year (yes, I would love for all of you to take AP Lit, but I know that some of you are natural fits for its parameters of some of you have other goals to pursue - whatever the case, choose what is best for you! And remember, you can take more than those 2 English credits if you are a writer, reader, speaker, and want more learning in this department).

7: Copied down Unit 16 vocab to start next class, analyzed "Harvest Song" for its descriptive properties, assigned assigned homework to write 1-2 paragraphs describing the hallway here at school during passing period with your audience a person who has never witnessed this scene and utilizing all those sensory image and figurative language.

Monday, January 13, 2020


In all classes, in some phase or another, you have been working with a debate transcript to identify all those fallacies that happen to occur when one politician attempts to sway the audience, discredit an opponent, or refocus attention on the desired platform. First, third, and seventh hours have completed this task by sharing their most, uh, "popular" fallacies. You now have Jean Toomer's Harvest Song to read for homework and to identify all of the sensory imagery and figurative language in the poem. Fourth hour, you have the debate task for homework, in which each person has a specific range of pages to populate with comment boxes regarding fallacies. I hope you're ready for a hodgepodge of activities and assignments to help with your writing, vocabulary, and comprehension!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Fallacies & Allusions

In all hours, at some point therein, you received the allusion poster assignment in which you will create 4 allusion posters for your 4 assigned allusions, one a week on the assigned dates. As you saw from a plethora of samples, there are many ways to teach your fellow classmates about Biblical, mythological, literary, pop cultural, and historical allusions, as long as that includes some visualization and key words/phrases that indicate the significance and meaning of the person, place, thing, or idea. For those absent, I will be sending you the assignment with your assigned allusions so that you are not completely out of the loop, and I highly recommend taking a look at the samples on Monday as these are the best means to understand the assignment and make it something your own!


1, 3, 7: You have been assigned the Republican debate transcript (shared with you) with groups having specific page numbers to complete. F.Y.I. I sent absentees the document and an e-mail with further directions for you. Groups, you have the weekend to identify all the fallacies that you can find in your assigned portion of the document. Remember, use a comment box for each fallacy, identify the fallacy, and explain why that specific example is one.

4: We will be finishing up the prep for our slippery slope skit and then moving onto the debate portion of fallacy analysis.

For all classes:

Next week will feature the return of vocab, tone paragraphs, allusion posters, modes of discourse, and multiple choice passages. I will be mixing those up so that we will have rotating topics for our agenda.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

"Churn It Up" with Flying Unicorns, Boxing Kangaroos, Amish Polar Bears & World War Kanye!

I don't have much to add regarding slippery slopes, other than I wanted to put all of those examples from third hour into a title! Yes, the butter wars churned into a cameo by the Rock with flying unicorns and Spiderman followed by high speed chases and kangaroo-winning boxing match, which then merged into plagiarism of the Brad Pitt skit (ah, he's back) into Weird Al, Baby Yoda, and Amish polar bears time travelling, and eventually ended with a pseudo-Kanye, once of America, once of Sweden, becoming dictator of Tahiti and fighting "World War Kanye"! Um, I think you definitely took my suggestion of creativity to heart and humor! Fourth hour, I hope you like all of these example from both classes since you will be up tomorrow!

Brad Pitt, The French Revolution & Elephants

Ah, the slippery slope, that fallacy that fosters such creative responses from AP Langers every year. As indicative by first hour's slippery slope performances thus far, we have recognized that failing a test equates with riding elephants in a Saudi Arabian circus, not charging your phone somehow sends you to a guillotine during the French Revolution, and deciding to become vegan essentially means marrying Brad Pitt! Starting a morning with Brad Pitt = happy day! I'm typing this blog early today with the hopes that the remaining hours bring just as memorable slippery slopes to Room 404. At this point, all classes have reviewed the packet and the fallacies that you will be identifying in a future activity and NOT incorporating into your future arguments. In theory, all classes have also either started or finished the slippery slope skits. If you happen to be absent today and tomorrow (i.e. you won't be writing or performing in those skits), you will need to create your own slippery slope fallacy of at least 15 steps. While you won't be able to perform those for the class, I look forward to reading them.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Those Fun Fallacies!

With all the seriousness of rhetorical analysis populating our first semester, it is refreshing to look at how arguments fall apart, how purposes lose their panache, and how fallacies can become part of an argument (whether a successful result occurs or not). With that in mind, we started our review of fallacies from scare tactics (a.k.a. fear-mongering), either/or, slippery slope (ah, my personal favorite and probably yours after we do our skits later this week), sentimental appeal (appeal to pity), false authority, ad hominem, hasty generalization, and probably a few other ones too! Fallacies continue tomorrow!

And by the way, thanks to fourth hour for finally having a wonderful discussion in the dark today! It might have been delayed by a few snows days and vacation weeks, but you still had a great deal to contribute about Lucy, Ann, society, and grasshoppers.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Past, The Present

As with any new year, the first step is to recollect the past and what you have learned and what you need to do to have a better understanding of life, self, and rhetorical analysis. As such, we looked at the final's toolbox and prompt portions, looking over the strategies that have populated our class and that will still be referenced as we move into other elements of the class. In the meanwhile, you do have the 24 hour period (or 2:40 p.m. tomorrow) to write a revision for the Lucy essay if you deem it relevant to your grade or to personal accomplishment. Class-wise, you should have your fallacy packet read and annotated so that we may review these argumentative faux-pas with ease and understanding.