Friday, August 24, 2018

The Paragraph & Its Parts

1 & 5: We started off with the vocab review, which means a quiz is in the near future, or Monday. This will be the shortest vocab quiz you have all year, so make sure you know those 15 words! After word play, we reviewed paragraph structure, which means topics sentences that feature the what (strategy) and the why (purpose) so as not to hide your main idea from the audience, combining evidence and analysis in the supporting details with transitions, citations, and multiple examples, and concluding with a sentence that ties back to the author and what he/she is up to in the text. With common terminology to break down a paragraph, we then used the time to provide feedback from classmates and teacher to give you tips on how to improve and how to save time (an element we always want to consider). For homework, you have your portfolio to decorate - if you feel the creative spirit upon you! Next week will be about writing essays - I hope you are ready for a lot of tips (I'm not going to save anything for later).

3: Vocab review was first on our docket, which means your quiz is Monday. This will be redundant if you read the other synopsis, but this will be the shortest vocab quiz in this class, so know the 15 words! Returning back to "The Story of the Hour," your groups identified 3 different rhetorical strategies, highlighting these throughout the text to gather all of your evidence. Then, each group  member has been assigned one of those rhetorical strategies to write an analysis paragraph. We talked about paragraph structure today (and it is reviewed in the 1 & 5 hour notes), so make sure that you are considering organization and citations just as much as the strategy and purpose. If absent, you will need to select 1 rhetorical strategy from the text and write your analysis paragraph.

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