Monday, August 20, 2018

More of The Roseto Mystery

Some of you have mentioned how engaged you were with that little town of "Roseto" and how Malcolm Gladwell introduces his book. Why do we use this text for your diagnostic? Simply, The Outliers, in which "The Roseto Mystery" acts as an introduction, was once part of AP Lang's summer reading options. And since a great deal of our former summer reading books are non-fiction, sociological observations of our world and behavior, I will be pulling excerpts from these books to practice identifying purpose & strategies. If you liked this intro and want to learn more random outliers, I highly recommend checking out this book. Some other chapters are entitled "The 10,000 Hour Rule," " The Trouble with Geniuses," "The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes," and "Rice Paddies & Math Tests."

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