Thursday, August 16, 2018

Card Games

We had a bit of a hodgepodge today as we acquaint ourselves with the terminology and the process of rhetorical analysis. First up, we started our vocab experts with four words, which means tomorrow will have the next four words. Next, we played card games, matching terms and definitions to each other. To end the day, we worked (in some fashion) with "Theme for English B." First hour, you created a strong purpose statement and helped me write an analytical paragraph on a repetitive element. Third hour, we have a purpose statement ready to go for tomorrow's close reading and analysis. Fifth hour, we have the text read, so that means purpose will be first tomorrow.

All of the above is in preparation for the diagnostic prompt on "The Roseto Mystery," which will be Monday. Third and fifth hour, you have the text for close reading. First hour, you will have the text tomorrow morning.

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