Monday, April 18, 2016

'Twas the Night Before ACT

The beginning of class focused on your ACT team essays and the ability to evaluate three perspectives in one essay.

*Second and fourth hour students who did not stop by on Monday to have their paragraphs checked will need to do so tomorrow after ACT testing if they would like half credit.

Meanwhile, first and seventh hours analyzed their AP argumentation prompt and their overall AP score. As a class, we had 17 students score a 5 on the exam, which is impressive and reflective of all the exemplary work that you have completed over the course. (Not to be a complete downer, but this exam did have a low number - 112 - to score a 5.)

After all this fuss, we began the ultimate review for the AP exam. What makes it ultimate? Well, I am not giving away all my secrets just yet.

First, we are working with government passages to close read, complete rhetorical analysis charts, and analyze multiple choice passages. We will be working on this for the upcoming days.

1: Complete the rhetorical analysis chart for Passage B. As we - hint - are taking the multiple choice part of Passage A & B, you may want to look these over prior to Wednesday's class.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot. It is much easier to write act essay with outline. Great exmaple. Visit this website to find additional quides and hints
