Sunday, April 10, 2016

Synthesis Results

To make the most out of our AP exam results, we will go over the test one component at a time in the following order to better prep for your upcoming testing dates:
  • Multiple Choice with review of close reading skills, rhetorical strategies, and footnote etiquette
  • Grammar and Punctuation Rules to finish where we left off on Wednesday, practice rules with handouts, and take a look-see at the ACT English portion
  • Synthesis with review of citing and utilizing sources to better formulate your own argument or evaluation of the given prompt
  • Rhetorical analysis with review of close reading, rhetorical strategies, and citations
  • Argument with review of argumentation, exemplification, and tips for the ACT-style of argumentation
In regards to the synthesis prompt, the overall results are quite promising with a range of 9-2. 

Goal 1 = 5 (7 students)
Goal 2 = 6 or 7 (34 students)
Goal 3 = 8 (13 students)
Goal 4 = 9 (1 student with the initials AB -- you finally earned that elusive 9!)

Tips, thoughts, evaluation procedures =
  • You must have 3 sources included in the essay
  • You are to write Source A (literally Source A) or the name given in the parentheses
  • Strongest essays brought in more than one source in a paragraph and were more likely to score an 8 or 9
  • Best essays brought in analogies, background knowledge, and supporting details that furthered the source information
  •  Originality in which you questioned some of the sources (tech school not in the picture, charts with only college-level income)
  • Do not summarize the sources
  • Cite properly -- stop double punctuating sentences, putting citations in the middle of the sentence, and using full sentence quotations

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