Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Intersection of Tone, Multiple Choice, and Argument

Those tone words, three rounds worth (four for seventh hour), are more than just lessons in improving your vocabulary for tone shift identification. They are also aids in answering multiple choice questions with accuracy (tone and style questions often feature a myriad of our vernacular) and in further crafting your argument with mature diction. Ergo, it only makes sense that tone, multiple choice, and argument are populating Lang this week.

All hours have a common assignment for next class: a brainstorming chart for our next prompt, which is "What is humanity's greatest flaw?" The chart has the following 7 boxes to complete (so absentees you can make your own facsimile of the handout; if you are making your own copy, make sure each of the following steps are in actual boxes to mimic a chart).

Box 1 = Brainstorm a list of all possible flaws in humanity
Box 2 = Select the flaw you would like to utilize for the prompt
Box 3 = Select the counterflaw (your second greatest flaw)
Box 4 = Write your working claim
Box 5 = Brainstorm all the the possible examples (different subjects preferred) for your flaw
Box 6 = Select the 4 examples that you will use and put them in your desired range
Box 7 = If time permits, what example would you use for your counterflaw?

And before, we go into more specifics per hour, absentees who have not completed the certainty/doubt prompt and the big vocab 18/tone quest, we have 3 days in the quarter left for you to do these two performance events, whether than be in another scheduled time or during class.

During the classes today,

1 & 3: Completed the vocab 18/tone quest and reviewed the multiple choice questions from passage 1. Homework as noted above for all classes.

4: Completed the vocab 18/tone quest and completed the first multiple choice practice; we will analyze those questions during next class. Homework noted above.

7: Reviewed tone words round 4 with the expectation of quiz over these 8 words on Friday, returned c/d argumentative prompts with a new chart and meetings, completed mc passage 3 and will analyze next time. Homework noted above.

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