As a reminder, last week's activities were to keep you involved with exemplification via adding to our hourly allusion chart. As noted on a few occasions, this is your opportunity to share with the class examples from your own ethos base and not ones assigned to you. Hence, we have had a plethora of examples that could make their way into an argumentative essay, under the right circumstances, of course. Additionally, you checked over your multiple choice passages from your hour's assigned chapter to see how you did and how you could improve in the future. You also have the book of passages for additional practice, which would behoove those of you needing review of rhetorical analysis. Next, you were introduced to synthesis writing through 3 prewriting activities: a full prewrite, a 15 minute timed prewrite, and a 10 minute timed prewrite. Last, you hopefully took part in one of our 4 zoom meetings last week. If you didn't, I highly recommend doing so as it certainly allows you to interact with other Langers - and Langers from different hours! The zoom meetings were free form last week.
For the week of 3/30, here are the activities for you to work on:
- Phase 2 of lesson plans regarding rhetorical analysis review, steps 1-3, which involves an AP Lang rhetorical device chart, 5 rhetorical analysis charts for the 5 passages from Ch. 6 of the multiple choice book, and zoom meeting participation (this requires advanced sign-up for your topic)
- Phase 1 of lesson plans involving synthesis, step 5, which involves an AP classroom prompt. If you haven't played around on AP classroom yet, here is your chance. Take a look around and figure out its features before you start the prompt. The prompt must be completed on classroom in the given box.
- Continuous allusions - you are now required to add 1 per week to your class compendium.
As always, the lesson plans on the shared drive give you detailed instructions. I have also sent an e-mail with the above knowledge and a day-by-day optional schedule if you need the organizational focus. Additionally, as noted in this week's activities, you must sign up for your topic for the zoom meetings this week. Make sure you have your chosen passage and related chart completed so you can educate your classmates about the device, purpose, evidence, and overall understanding. This is the best way to review rhetorical analysis, and it is exactly what we would be doing in a physical classroom.
I will looking over full class and individual portfolio folder assignments in the upcoming days, noting participation, and providing feedback as warranted.
Best of health and love to all of you, my Langers. I know some of you have been selective with your digital involvement last week. I highly recommend that if you are physically and wifi capable to complete all the activities sent to you. You would be doing all of this in class right now as I have attempted to keep everything virtually the same. The only difference is you have more freedom and time to complete these activities as you would have in the classroom environment.
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