Friday, December 6, 2019

Presentations, The End, Almost

Since I usually write the blog around fifth hour, I did not have the chance to laud my favorite skit of the 2019 presentations: the Challenger skit from 7th hour. As someone who watched this tragedy unfold live on a television screen, it was remarkable to watch a dramatic representation of a substitute teacher playing the live feed of the Challenger's ascent to the students of the late Christa McAuliffe's class. The excitement, the pride of those students watching their pioneering teacher go into space and its turn into confusion, fear, and ultimate heartbreak at the explosion and loss of their hero was the best way to provide pathos and to remind that the loss was beyond just those souls on board. The loss to the families and friends and those who counted on the astronauts as providers, leaders, and lovers would be decimating. Thank you, Blake, Nikki, Will, and Brendan for making this a stunning pathos-filled event that made two generations (mine and yours) part of your presentation.

In class updates, first hour is finished and starting on argumentation, especially looking at how a claim should be not obvious, engaging, specific, logical, debatable, and hypotactic. We will play more with claims and its friends evidence and warrant next week. Your homework assignment is to decide whom you would like to nominate for teacher or employee of the year.

Third hour has completed the presentation cycle and will start argumentation on Monday. Homework is to determine whom you would like to nominate for teacher or employee of the year.

Fourth hour, at the hands of scheduling fate this week, will finish up the last 2 rounds of q & o on Monday followed by a sudden turn into argumentation. As with the other hours, make sure to know whom you will be nominating for teacher or employee of the year.

Seventh hour is working on sample arguments after reviewing evidence and warrants and will start the teacher/employee of the year argument on Monday.

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