Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Welcome to the 6

With the Banneker prompt meetings ending, so does the old scoring system of 1-9. No longer one overall score. Now 3 categories delineating the score, adding together into a possible 6 score. As noted, scoring a zero becomes more of a possibility; however, scoring a six seems to also be more of a possibility. The emphasis on a thesis, the evidence/explanation, and sophistication does set up the majority of your for at least a 3 or more on your average to strong prompt writing days. Hence, we will keep working on consistency to maintain a 3 and techniques to boost the number into 4, 5, or, dare I type this, 6 territory.

1 & 4: Reviewed vocab, finished paper meetings, and started looking over the 1-6 scoring rubrics for thesis statements. We will resume there with a recap of theses, a look at evidence and explanations, and the sophistication expectations. Plus there will be the vocab quiz and the next class close read.

3: We added 4 more vocab expert words, which means the tally stands at 12 for unit 13. We are still in the midst of our meetings, but that doesn't mean you can't have the close read for the scoring packets completed for next class.

7: Reviewed vocab, continued our look at the 1-6 scoring rubrics, and began our next class close read on the Capote passage, indicating words and phrases that stand out and help create an understanding of the author's purpose and his strategies. We will continue the close read and writing activities related to this passage next class.

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