Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Prep, Prep, Prep

1, 4, 7: Your 50 minutes were dedicated to prepping for your partner verbal rhetorical analysis presentations that will shortly be under way. As noted, you have a total of 60 minutes of in-class work time with your partner. Hence, the sand is almost completely through the hour glass. Make sure that you have conceived an engaging hook for your classmates, have your rhetorical strategies bound together with evidence, and have total understanding of your passage. One more reminder, you are not writing this as an essay, you are not reading paragraphs directly from a page - this is a note-based assignment so that you can use your knowledge and express your ideas to the class. Your ethos comes from knowing your material and naturally talking about all of your strategies, purposes, and evidence.

3: Meanwhile, we are finishing up The Overachievers with sharing your partner work - the thesis (don't forget those adjectives for the rhetorical strategies), the topic sentence for your strategy pick, evidence of the strategy from the experiences of Julie, Audrey, and Frank , and brief explanatory analysis wrapping up this package. As you may have noticed, you and your partner have been taking part in an informal verbal presentation - the sharing of your ideas without prefabricating everything you will say in a paragraph or essay. As analysts, you need to be able to communicate your ideas and show off your ethos, your knowledge, your comprehension - at any time. Have faith in your abilities. You would be surprised with what you can verbalize! If you happened to be absent, construct a thesis statement for the entirety of The Overachievers with the three main strategies and the purpose.

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