1 & 4: After 15 minutes of completing the hook for your team mini essay, we started the reading and peer/teacher evaluation of the Capote prompts. By scoring the thesis, the evidence/evaluation, and the sophistication, we are looking closely at the passage, the writing, and the new scoring rubric. In all group evaluations so far, we have been within 1 of each other, which means that we are noting the same strengths and areas for improvement in the writing. We'll finish our last (I think) 3 evaluations tomorrow and then comes the might syntax week (or weeks).
3: After finishing our class close read, we completed our vocab quiz for unit 13, and then began the team writing portion for the Capote prompt, which involved crafting a team thesis statement, assigning a strategy to each person, and then writing a body paragraph for tomorrow's class. As an added note, make sure to not use outside means to help you with the body paragraph. Treat this as if you had a prompt to write in class with just the prompt, the paper, the pen, and your brain. The feedback will be more effectual for you that way.
7: We copied vocab unit 14 to start vocab experts tomorrow, wrapped up the Capote prompt by hearing a sample introduction and the basic plot of In Cold Blood, and then began our syntax unit with study of clauses, sentence types, and punctuation.In particular, we spent quality time with differentiating independent and dependent clauses, identifying simple and compound sentences, reviewing subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, and highlighting the rules for punctuation with compound sentences. If you missed anything in class, I would recommend borrowing a classmate's notes.
Welcome to a year-long course centered on encouraging each student's individual writing voice. Plus, there's Keatsy.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Friday, September 27, 2019
Class Close Read to Group Writing
Every hour has Capote's In Cold Blood passage on the mind and on the paper at this point - whether it be in close reading, writing, or peer evaluating.
1 & 4: The entire hour was dedicated to the writing portion of the Capote passage. Thus far, groups have crafted a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and (starting at least) hooks. Groups will finish the final phrases of writing the hook and then move into peer and teacher evaluation of writing with the new 1-6 system. If absent, you will be completing this task solo: compose a thesis statement, a body paragraph on one of the strategies from your thesis, and a hook. In any circumstances, this is a chance to garner sophistication points and kudos from your evaluators, so make sure to craft some extraordinary composition.
3: After our vocab review, we moved into the close read of the Capote passage, which we will need to complete on Monday. If absent, I highly recommend stopping by prior to school on Monday for a copy of the passage so that you are up to date with the readings and ready to move onto the writing portion during class.
7: After finishing the team hooks, you shared your writing with your classmates for our first peer review with the 1-6 system. Afterwards, the groups turned in their writing for my first opportunity to score the writing with a 1-6. If time permitted, you jotted down the next unit of vocab. If not, we will do so on Monday. Syntax unit will be next.
1 & 4: The entire hour was dedicated to the writing portion of the Capote passage. Thus far, groups have crafted a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and (starting at least) hooks. Groups will finish the final phrases of writing the hook and then move into peer and teacher evaluation of writing with the new 1-6 system. If absent, you will be completing this task solo: compose a thesis statement, a body paragraph on one of the strategies from your thesis, and a hook. In any circumstances, this is a chance to garner sophistication points and kudos from your evaluators, so make sure to craft some extraordinary composition.
3: After our vocab review, we moved into the close read of the Capote passage, which we will need to complete on Monday. If absent, I highly recommend stopping by prior to school on Monday for a copy of the passage so that you are up to date with the readings and ready to move onto the writing portion during class.
7: After finishing the team hooks, you shared your writing with your classmates for our first peer review with the 1-6 system. Afterwards, the groups turned in their writing for my first opportunity to score the writing with a 1-6. If time permitted, you jotted down the next unit of vocab. If not, we will do so on Monday. Syntax unit will be next.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
1 & 4: After the vocab quiz, we finished our look at the 1-6 scoring system, which will now begin to be the means of evaluation for the class. With that knowledge, we moved into our next class close read, the Capote passage regarding Holcomb. Even though we were given suggested strategies, both classes found a pelthora of other means to characterize the village or town - depending on what portion of the text you are reading (great catch, Ethan). Bring back this close read because it will be the basis of our next writing assignment.
3: After finishing up vocab experts, we finished up the prompt meetings. With the 1-9 scoring system put away, we looked at the 1-6 evaluation system that will be part of our daily life from this point forward.
7: After the vocab quiz, we resumed our close read of the Capote passage, working in partners to indicate the strategies and related evidence to help characterize that lovely little community of Holcomb. Afterwards, you were placed in a groups of 3 (o.k. one partnership too) in order to build a perfect introduction and thesis, craft body paragraphs, and compose that concluding paragraph - or at least those 3 phases are the plan at 12:59 p.m. Whatever we do not reach in class will either be designated as homework or will be completed during Friday's class.
3: After finishing up vocab experts, we finished up the prompt meetings. With the 1-9 scoring system put away, we looked at the 1-6 evaluation system that will be part of our daily life from this point forward.
7: After the vocab quiz, we resumed our close read of the Capote passage, working in partners to indicate the strategies and related evidence to help characterize that lovely little community of Holcomb. Afterwards, you were placed in a groups of 3 (o.k. one partnership too) in order to build a perfect introduction and thesis, craft body paragraphs, and compose that concluding paragraph - or at least those 3 phases are the plan at 12:59 p.m. Whatever we do not reach in class will either be designated as homework or will be completed during Friday's class.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Welcome to the 6
With the Banneker prompt meetings ending, so does the old scoring system of 1-9. No longer one overall score. Now 3 categories delineating the score, adding together into a possible 6 score. As noted, scoring a zero becomes more of a possibility; however, scoring a six seems to also be more of a possibility. The emphasis on a thesis, the evidence/explanation, and sophistication does set up the majority of your for at least a 3 or more on your average to strong prompt writing days. Hence, we will keep working on consistency to maintain a 3 and techniques to boost the number into 4, 5, or, dare I type this, 6 territory.
1 & 4: Reviewed vocab, finished paper meetings, and started looking over the 1-6 scoring rubrics for thesis statements. We will resume there with a recap of theses, a look at evidence and explanations, and the sophistication expectations. Plus there will be the vocab quiz and the next class close read.
3: We added 4 more vocab expert words, which means the tally stands at 12 for unit 13. We are still in the midst of our meetings, but that doesn't mean you can't have the close read for the scoring packets completed for next class.
7: Reviewed vocab, continued our look at the 1-6 scoring rubrics, and began our next class close read on the Capote passage, indicating words and phrases that stand out and help create an understanding of the author's purpose and his strategies. We will continue the close read and writing activities related to this passage next class.
1 & 4: Reviewed vocab, finished paper meetings, and started looking over the 1-6 scoring rubrics for thesis statements. We will resume there with a recap of theses, a look at evidence and explanations, and the sophistication expectations. Plus there will be the vocab quiz and the next class close read.
3: We added 4 more vocab expert words, which means the tally stands at 12 for unit 13. We are still in the midst of our meetings, but that doesn't mean you can't have the close read for the scoring packets completed for next class.
7: Reviewed vocab, continued our look at the 1-6 scoring rubrics, and began our next class close read on the Capote passage, indicating words and phrases that stand out and help create an understanding of the author's purpose and his strategies. We will continue the close read and writing activities related to this passage next class.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Meetings Round 2
1 & 4: Vocab Experts followed by prompt meetings, which will finish tomorrow.
3: Vocab Experts followed by analysis of rangefinders and the return of your essays for prompt meetings tomorrow.
7: Vocab Experts followed by prompt meetings and the introduction to the new 1-6 scoring system. To prep for further analysis, close read the example rhetorical analysis prompt for tomorrow's class.
3: Vocab Experts followed by analysis of rangefinders and the return of your essays for prompt meetings tomorrow.
7: Vocab Experts followed by prompt meetings and the introduction to the new 1-6 scoring system. To prep for further analysis, close read the example rhetorical analysis prompt for tomorrow's class.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The classes may still be on different stages of the agenda, but all of you are processing the rangefinders!
While we are solidly on rhetorical analysis right now, one day you will be back into argumentation and pulling from current events for exemplification. For those of you engaged with the environment and climate change, a fascinating report from last night's NBC news: Iceland Scientists.
1, 4, 7: Vocab experts, followed by the analysis of the rangefinders. If time permitted, you glanced at your score from the prompt or added to the prompt to your portfolio. Prompts meetings will begin or continue, depending on the hour, on Monday.
3: Vocab experts, followed by our class close read on the prompt. Homework is to finish grading the rangefinders, scoring each student essay 1-9.
While we are solidly on rhetorical analysis right now, one day you will be back into argumentation and pulling from current events for exemplification. For those of you engaged with the environment and climate change, a fascinating report from last night's NBC news: Iceland Scientists.
1, 4, 7: Vocab experts, followed by the analysis of the rangefinders. If time permitted, you glanced at your score from the prompt or added to the prompt to your portfolio. Prompts meetings will begin or continue, depending on the hour, on Monday.
3: Vocab experts, followed by our class close read on the prompt. Homework is to finish grading the rangefinders, scoring each student essay 1-9.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Close Reading
The 2-word phrase I probably use the most throughout the year would be "close reading," which is then followed by why you should be interacting with your prompts in such a method to avoid any mis-reads and to have your strategies and evidence noted and ready to advance into writing form. Today's classes all featured my unwavering encouragement of close reading - the prompt and the passage. When close reading, the goal is comprehending the passage and building an understanding of the strategies that appear throughout the text. If you take your close read more organically (i.e. not on the hunt for specific strategies but noting words and phrases that stand out and continually build throughout the passage), you will be able to find more techniques that connect to the purpose.
1: Vocab experts began the show, followed by our class close read of the diagnostic prompt, indicating that mis-reads occurred from a lack of close reading the prompt and the passage. When paying microscopic attention to the actual words, slowing down to take in a paragraph and its meaning, a sentence and its form, a word and its placement, you have a stronger starting point for writing. After our class close reading, you had the rangefinders to score 1-9 of old essays. We will analyze those essays tomorrow.
3: Very productive day with vocab unit 13 copied, our last rhetorical analysis presentation, class card throwing (with an official time of 9 minutes - by far the best finish thus far in AP Lang's new season), baby rhetorical analysis, a toolbox quiz (be aware of making this up if absent), and the start of our class close reading with the diagnostic prompt passage. We will resume there tomorrow!
7: After vocab experts, we spent the majority of our time with our class close read, which really inspired a lot of focus on word patterns leading to other rhetorical strategies. To finish up the hour, we scored the rangefinders for this essay.
1: Vocab experts began the show, followed by our class close read of the diagnostic prompt, indicating that mis-reads occurred from a lack of close reading the prompt and the passage. When paying microscopic attention to the actual words, slowing down to take in a paragraph and its meaning, a sentence and its form, a word and its placement, you have a stronger starting point for writing. After our class close reading, you had the rangefinders to score 1-9 of old essays. We will analyze those essays tomorrow.
3: Very productive day with vocab unit 13 copied, our last rhetorical analysis presentation, class card throwing (with an official time of 9 minutes - by far the best finish thus far in AP Lang's new season), baby rhetorical analysis, a toolbox quiz (be aware of making this up if absent), and the start of our class close reading with the diagnostic prompt passage. We will resume there tomorrow!
7: After vocab experts, we spent the majority of our time with our class close read, which really inspired a lot of focus on word patterns leading to other rhetorical strategies. To finish up the hour, we scored the rangefinders for this essay.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Prompt
4: It might be a tough lesson, but one that is warranted for improvement in prompt writing: close read the prompt and utilize its information to set up your passage close read and your essay. Mistakes come more from misreading the prompt that the actual jumbling of rhetorical strategies. Ergo, interact with your prompt and passage, note the words that stand out to you, group those words together to find patterns, build your "circles" to strategies and organizational patterns of the entire passage. Agenda-wise, we continued with vocab experts, completed a toolbox quiz (schedule makeup or take quiz a.s.a.p.), completed a class close read on the prompt passage, and prepped to be AP graders with the rangefinders, which you are to score each essay 1-9 dependent on ability, organization, and content.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Baby Rhetorical Analysis!
And in the vein of something completely different, most of our classes focused on baby literature to further exhibit how you can rhetorically analyze everything!!!!!! Very clever and creative expression of the passages - especially when you find elements that I did not even consider!
The prompt and its necessity of close reading, audience comprehension, textual understanding, and writing prowess will take center stage in most of AP Lang. Be ready to participate as you continue to improve your rhetorical analysis abilities! How many of you actually imagined using the phrase anaphoric hypophora a few weeks ago? How many of you actually knew those were real words? See - you are learning every minute!
1 & 7: Vocab experts, followed by the completion of our baby rhetorical analysis, and then your first toolbox quiz. Make-ups for the quiz need to be completed or scheduled in the next 48 hours.
3: Diagnostic prompt for the entire hour. If you have not taken this prompt, you will need to do so a.s.a.p.
4: Vocab experts, followed by our last presentation regarding Chief Seattle and his satirical jargon, and then our baby rhetorical analysis.
The prompt and its necessity of close reading, audience comprehension, textual understanding, and writing prowess will take center stage in most of AP Lang. Be ready to participate as you continue to improve your rhetorical analysis abilities! How many of you actually imagined using the phrase anaphoric hypophora a few weeks ago? How many of you actually knew those were real words? See - you are learning every minute!
1 & 7: Vocab experts, followed by the completion of our baby rhetorical analysis, and then your first toolbox quiz. Make-ups for the quiz need to be completed or scheduled in the next 48 hours.
3: Diagnostic prompt for the entire hour. If you have not taken this prompt, you will need to do so a.s.a.p.
4: Vocab experts, followed by our last presentation regarding Chief Seattle and his satirical jargon, and then our baby rhetorical analysis.
Monday, September 16, 2019
A Little Bit of Everything
1: You copied down vocab unit 13 for expert work to begin tomorrow, worked as a class to organize the toolbox cards - definitely have room to improve on accuracy and timing as we progress this year, and took a baby passage and looked at as a mature rhetorical analysis. We will share those baby passages tomorrow plus you have a toolbox quiz on the docket.
3: We almost finished presentations today with one saved for the block day. Tomorrow will be your second diagnostic essay to measure how you are improving after rhetorical analysis practices.
4: Diagnostic prompt #2 today. Anyone absent will need to make up this prompt a.s.a.p.
7: We started off vocab experts for Unit 13, worked as a class to match the toolbox cards, and analyzed a baby passage for upper-level rhetorical analysis.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Prompts & Presentations
Your class was either prompting or presenting today! If you happened to miss the diagnostic prompt, you will need to either make that up via a study hall hour or during class (if it can't be helped) a.s.a.p. Evaluations of these essays will necessitate a quick turnaround since we will be using them in class next week for close reading, analysis, rangefinders, and prompt meetings.
1: Cold read diagnostic prompt complete.
3: Presentations in process with the remaining 6 on Monday. Diagnostic on Tuesday.
4: Almost all presentations complete. Following our passages today, you copied down unit 13 vocab - on Friday the 13th - and worked as a class to arrange all of the rhetorical toolbox cards. Diagnostic on Monday. Vocab resumes on Tuesday.
7: Cold read diagnostic prompt complete. Vocab resumes on Monday.
1: Cold read diagnostic prompt complete.
3: Presentations in process with the remaining 6 on Monday. Diagnostic on Tuesday.
4: Almost all presentations complete. Following our passages today, you copied down unit 13 vocab - on Friday the 13th - and worked as a class to arrange all of the rhetorical toolbox cards. Diagnostic on Monday. Vocab resumes on Tuesday.
7: Cold read diagnostic prompt complete. Vocab resumes on Monday.
The Count 2019
The AP Lang group definitely had low estimates for the shoe count this year, which means the closest and most knowledgeable of my shoe collection is AP Lit and AP Lang veteran Rhyen. Only 2 off, she sensed that the collection had shifted over the summer to less than last year's figure. Currently, the shoe walls hold 412 (although there still is that issue of what happened to my one pair at the repair store that had a fire).
P.S. Thanks to seventh hour for a great review of anaDIPlosis yestererday! We may be a small group, bur we know how to celebrate the conclusion of presentations, rhetorical strategies, and our fine company!
P.S. Thanks to seventh hour for a great review of anaDIPlosis yestererday! We may be a small group, bur we know how to celebrate the conclusion of presentations, rhetorical strategies, and our fine company!
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Presentations!
Presentations Exclamation Point! In each hour that has begun the presentation process, you have heard some successful hooks, strong strategies, dynamic phrasing, and overall strong analysis laced with evidence and citations! At this point, first hour has 1 presentation left, third hour will start after that last 11 minutes of prep, fourth hour has 3 presentations lefts, and seventh hour is finished!
1: With one presentation left to go, we curbed its completion until Monday to take the next diagnostic prompt in class tomorrow. Bell to bell timing, so make sure you are here and ready to go.
3: We finished our Overachievers informal rhetorical analysis and moved into your preparations for the rhetorical analysis presentations.
7: We copied down our next unit of vocab with the intention to start these words on Monday. Tomorrow is the next diagnostic prompt, so be ready to take this off our to do list before the weekend.
1: With one presentation left to go, we curbed its completion until Monday to take the next diagnostic prompt in class tomorrow. Bell to bell timing, so make sure you are here and ready to go.
3: We finished our Overachievers informal rhetorical analysis and moved into your preparations for the rhetorical analysis presentations.
7: We copied down our next unit of vocab with the intention to start these words on Monday. Tomorrow is the next diagnostic prompt, so be ready to take this off our to do list before the weekend.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Verbal RA
Fourth hour saw an impressive mixture of hooks (allusion, imagery-filled, exemplification of context), thorough thesis statements with fun verbs (recontextualize), hybrid strategies (anaphoric hypophora), and mature purposes (I should have my notes with my while I type for an example!), "body" sections full of strategies, evidence, citations, and connections to the audience (if you have hypophora, is there any other angle to analyze?), and conclusions that connected back to the beginning.
Promising start to these informal presentations - with the intention of the last 3 occurring on Friday. Just a few quick reminders - cite everything, try not to play it safe with your strategy choices, know your passage! The last tip revolves around the premise of this activity, which is to not type out paragraphs and essays and read verbatim. While this may make your diction sound incredible (it sure does), it does take away from the engagement of the passage and your own ethos. Our best analysts today relied on notes for a structure and evidence and then talked to the class about the passage.
What is upcoming? You will have the second and last diagnostic prompt to see how you handle a cold read in a timed environment and to see what you have picked up over the last few weeks to improve your writing and analysis. For fourth hour, your second diagnostic will be on Monday.
Promising start to these informal presentations - with the intention of the last 3 occurring on Friday. Just a few quick reminders - cite everything, try not to play it safe with your strategy choices, know your passage! The last tip revolves around the premise of this activity, which is to not type out paragraphs and essays and read verbatim. While this may make your diction sound incredible (it sure does), it does take away from the engagement of the passage and your own ethos. Our best analysts today relied on notes for a structure and evidence and then talked to the class about the passage.
What is upcoming? You will have the second and last diagnostic prompt to see how you handle a cold read in a timed environment and to see what you have picked up over the last few weeks to improve your writing and analysis. For fourth hour, your second diagnostic will be on Monday.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Prep, Prep, Prep
1, 4, 7: Your 50 minutes were dedicated to prepping for your partner verbal rhetorical analysis presentations that will shortly be under way. As noted, you have a total of 60 minutes of in-class work time with your partner. Hence, the sand is almost completely through the hour glass. Make sure that you have conceived an engaging hook for your classmates, have your rhetorical strategies bound together with evidence, and have total understanding of your passage. One more reminder, you are not writing this as an essay, you are not reading paragraphs directly from a page - this is a note-based assignment so that you can use your knowledge and express your ideas to the class. Your ethos comes from knowing your material and naturally talking about all of your strategies, purposes, and evidence.
3: Meanwhile, we are finishing up The Overachievers with sharing your partner work - the thesis (don't forget those adjectives for the rhetorical strategies), the topic sentence for your strategy pick, evidence of the strategy from the experiences of Julie, Audrey, and Frank , and brief explanatory analysis wrapping up this package. As you may have noticed, you and your partner have been taking part in an informal verbal presentation - the sharing of your ideas without prefabricating everything you will say in a paragraph or essay. As analysts, you need to be able to communicate your ideas and show off your ethos, your knowledge, your comprehension - at any time. Have faith in your abilities. You would be surprised with what you can verbalize! If you happened to be absent, construct a thesis statement for the entirety of The Overachievers with the three main strategies and the purpose.
3: Meanwhile, we are finishing up The Overachievers with sharing your partner work - the thesis (don't forget those adjectives for the rhetorical strategies), the topic sentence for your strategy pick, evidence of the strategy from the experiences of Julie, Audrey, and Frank , and brief explanatory analysis wrapping up this package. As you may have noticed, you and your partner have been taking part in an informal verbal presentation - the sharing of your ideas without prefabricating everything you will say in a paragraph or essay. As analysts, you need to be able to communicate your ideas and show off your ethos, your knowledge, your comprehension - at any time. Have faith in your abilities. You would be surprised with what you can verbalize! If you happened to be absent, construct a thesis statement for the entirety of The Overachievers with the three main strategies and the purpose.
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Next Phase of RA
Since (most) classes have worked on close reading The Overachievers, developing thesis statements, scouring a passage for evidence, and explaining its analytical import, you are now ready to move to the further over-analysis, i.e. microscopic evaluation of a text.
Following our mini version of a presentation (yep, that's what you did today) of rhetorical strategies for The Overachievers, we are or will be in a packet of passages for the verbal group presentation. Whether your class has reached this point or not, all 9 passages are included in the packet for additional practice and notes. If you do have the time prior to presentations, I would recommend practicing close reading on as many of these passages as you can and isolate what main strategies are in each one. This will garner greater confidence in our future close reads. You can also take notes during the class presentations to compare/contrast your responses and/or have further examples of how to compose a rhetorical analysis.
Before processing the day's agenda, do recall that the vocab quiz for unit 12 occurred today, and any absentees have 48 hours to either make up the quiz or schedule a time for the task.
1 & 4: We completed the Overachievers with partners sharing their thesis statements, topic sentences, evidence, and brief explanatory analysis. In both classes, the strategies of pathos, anecdotes, and juxtaposition were the popular choices, which would make for a thorough investigation of rhetorical process if we were to expand to a full essay. Alas, we are not since you will be doing that with your group verbal presentation, assigned today. Each partner/small group has a passage to close read this evening and prep strategies and possible hooks for the presentation - all in preparation for prep time in class tomorrow. We will be presenting your findings after 60 minutes of in-class prep time, so be aware of what you will need to do outside of class as a result. Absentees are not that far behind in the game, so you will have your passages tomorrow.
3: After looking at how Julie is presented through all those anecdotes, juxtaposition, pathos, and the like, you were assigned a new Overachiever to analyze, either Audrey or AP Frank. We are currently in the midst of sharing strategies with a partner regarding these two overachievers, which will resume tomorrow.
7: After planning our double dip and cookie shindig for the block day, we resumed our pathway into rhetorical analysis with the group verbal presentation, a partner activity akin to your Overachievers work - but much more developed, detailed, and delineated. Each partnership has a passage to close read and create a verbal essay for class presentation. While you will have a total of 60 minutes of class prep time, anything else will occur outside of the classroom, so make sure you and your partner are ready to go.
Following our mini version of a presentation (yep, that's what you did today) of rhetorical strategies for The Overachievers, we are or will be in a packet of passages for the verbal group presentation. Whether your class has reached this point or not, all 9 passages are included in the packet for additional practice and notes. If you do have the time prior to presentations, I would recommend practicing close reading on as many of these passages as you can and isolate what main strategies are in each one. This will garner greater confidence in our future close reads. You can also take notes during the class presentations to compare/contrast your responses and/or have further examples of how to compose a rhetorical analysis.
Before processing the day's agenda, do recall that the vocab quiz for unit 12 occurred today, and any absentees have 48 hours to either make up the quiz or schedule a time for the task.
1 & 4: We completed the Overachievers with partners sharing their thesis statements, topic sentences, evidence, and brief explanatory analysis. In both classes, the strategies of pathos, anecdotes, and juxtaposition were the popular choices, which would make for a thorough investigation of rhetorical process if we were to expand to a full essay. Alas, we are not since you will be doing that with your group verbal presentation, assigned today. Each partner/small group has a passage to close read this evening and prep strategies and possible hooks for the presentation - all in preparation for prep time in class tomorrow. We will be presenting your findings after 60 minutes of in-class prep time, so be aware of what you will need to do outside of class as a result. Absentees are not that far behind in the game, so you will have your passages tomorrow.
3: After looking at how Julie is presented through all those anecdotes, juxtaposition, pathos, and the like, you were assigned a new Overachiever to analyze, either Audrey or AP Frank. We are currently in the midst of sharing strategies with a partner regarding these two overachievers, which will resume tomorrow.
7: After planning our double dip and cookie shindig for the block day, we resumed our pathway into rhetorical analysis with the group verbal presentation, a partner activity akin to your Overachievers work - but much more developed, detailed, and delineated. Each partnership has a passage to close read and create a verbal essay for class presentation. While you will have a total of 60 minutes of class prep time, anything else will occur outside of the classroom, so make sure you and your partner are ready to go.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Julie & Audrey & AP Frank
No matter where you are in the Overachievers, you have an example of a classifying image (The Superstar, The Perfectionist, The Workhorse) that does not always fit the internal struggle that eventually emerges via various strategies, organization, and exemplification.
Beyond our Overachievers work, we reviewed vocabulary today, which means that the vocab quiz will be on Monday. There might be a view rhetorical strategies on there too since we have been solidly emphasizing a handful of them this past week.
1 & 4: Now identified as Audrey or AP Frank, you collaborated in partnerships, sharing the strategies and presentation examples for each overachiever. Following that activity, the partners formulated a thesis statement utilizing the 4 part formula (author + active verb + specific strategies + mature purpose) and giving you the opportunity to exhibit your own upper-level diction choices. Ending the hour, you selected 1 of the strategies to prep for sharing on Monday. The sharing of your strategy will involve a topic sentence, examples of evidence from each part of the text, and explanation ideas. From eavesdropping on your work today, we should have some strong strategy analysis!
3: Meetings for the Gladwell prompt have concluded with the hope that you will now take those suggestions and improve your writing and your overall score. At the end of class, we began our Overachievers work by looking at how Julie is introduced to us via the image, the logos, the enumeration of a resume-like p.o.v., which is then quickly juxtaposed with the internal struggle and the pathos forming from her stressful classification as Superstar. For the weekend, finish reading Julie's passage and note how the author continues to introduce her to us.
7: Resuming with the Overachievers, you finished sharing Audrey & AP Frank's passages and how strategies were formulated to introduce this perfectionist and workhorse to us. Then, you worked with your partner to craft a thesis statement, formula-style, mature diction-style, which then turned into the analysis and sharing of one strategy with the class. While this is a verbal version of rhetorical analysis, the process is still the same: read, purpose, strategies, evidence from across the passage, analysis. All of this is setting up for your partner verbal analysis on a passage, which will require more in-depth analysis and observations. Hopefully, we will make it to the preliminary part of this presentation assignment. If not, there is always Monday.
Beyond our Overachievers work, we reviewed vocabulary today, which means that the vocab quiz will be on Monday. There might be a view rhetorical strategies on there too since we have been solidly emphasizing a handful of them this past week.
1 & 4: Now identified as Audrey or AP Frank, you collaborated in partnerships, sharing the strategies and presentation examples for each overachiever. Following that activity, the partners formulated a thesis statement utilizing the 4 part formula (author + active verb + specific strategies + mature purpose) and giving you the opportunity to exhibit your own upper-level diction choices. Ending the hour, you selected 1 of the strategies to prep for sharing on Monday. The sharing of your strategy will involve a topic sentence, examples of evidence from each part of the text, and explanation ideas. From eavesdropping on your work today, we should have some strong strategy analysis!
3: Meetings for the Gladwell prompt have concluded with the hope that you will now take those suggestions and improve your writing and your overall score. At the end of class, we began our Overachievers work by looking at how Julie is introduced to us via the image, the logos, the enumeration of a resume-like p.o.v., which is then quickly juxtaposed with the internal struggle and the pathos forming from her stressful classification as Superstar. For the weekend, finish reading Julie's passage and note how the author continues to introduce her to us.
7: Resuming with the Overachievers, you finished sharing Audrey & AP Frank's passages and how strategies were formulated to introduce this perfectionist and workhorse to us. Then, you worked with your partner to craft a thesis statement, formula-style, mature diction-style, which then turned into the analysis and sharing of one strategy with the class. While this is a verbal version of rhetorical analysis, the process is still the same: read, purpose, strategies, evidence from across the passage, analysis. All of this is setting up for your partner verbal analysis on a passage, which will require more in-depth analysis and observations. Hopefully, we will make it to the preliminary part of this presentation assignment. If not, there is always Monday.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Outliers & Overachievers
If you are out of class and not having an Overachievers text, go to this link on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Overachievers-Secret-Lives-Driven-Kids/dp/140130902X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1535739356&sr=8-1&keywords=the+overachievers. Look at the book cover on the far left side, and click on "Look Inside." Then, scroll down to Chapter 1 and read whatever assigned sections are for your class.
3: We are still in meeting mode, which will continue tomorrow.
7: After wrapping up how Robbins constructed Superstar Julie, we moved into the next 2 Overachievers, Audrey and AP Frank. If absent, you should finish the reading and close read for organization and strategies to see how the author introduces the other people populating this competitive world of academics.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
The Reemerging of Strategies
In all classes, we continued forward with our vocab experts and then moved into individual hour's agendas. As hinted in the last blog, and which seventh hour found out to be a need today, know your modes of discourse so you have a greater understanding of passages and texts and, an added bonus, sound smarter too!
1 & 4: We finished our meetings today. Hooray! Hopefully, you have a better sense of what to do in the near future for your next assessments, the verbal partner RA and the cold read diagnostic. We will be working with noting what the author does in a passage, naming strategies correctly, and determining why the author has that strategy (hint - modes of discourse may be part of this).
3: You now have your essays back, have filled out your goal sheets, have formulated questions for our meetings, have started highlighting verbs and revising the passive, mundane ones with active, vibrant ones, and have spent quality time with your toolbox in preparation for stronger understanding of the passages. Phew! We are in process with our meetings, which will most likely take all of Thursday's class. With that in mind, take the class time, when you are not in a meeting, of course, and gain ethos on those modes of discourse and strategies.
7: Today was the reemerging of strategy finding, identifying by name, and analyzing with brief passages from The Outliers (look how we went from identifying the placement of repetition, for instance, to how it connected to the mode of discourse) and a longer passage from The Overachievers. As noted in class, the author introduces The Superstar to us in a plethora of ways to give us the ultimate picture of our dear Julie (at least she's dear now since EW began our class with a lack of affection for our picture perfect high school star). For homework, finish up your Julie reading and note the other techniques and strategies that the author continues to give us regarding the introduction of Julie. We'll meet our other 2 Overachievers during tomorrow's class. Great work today - how cool that we started off with talking about imagery and pathos, moves into tone shifts, and somehow managed to build to a crescendo of juxtaposition! Look what all of you are capable of doing!
1 & 4: We finished our meetings today. Hooray! Hopefully, you have a better sense of what to do in the near future for your next assessments, the verbal partner RA and the cold read diagnostic. We will be working with noting what the author does in a passage, naming strategies correctly, and determining why the author has that strategy (hint - modes of discourse may be part of this).
3: You now have your essays back, have filled out your goal sheets, have formulated questions for our meetings, have started highlighting verbs and revising the passive, mundane ones with active, vibrant ones, and have spent quality time with your toolbox in preparation for stronger understanding of the passages. Phew! We are in process with our meetings, which will most likely take all of Thursday's class. With that in mind, take the class time, when you are not in a meeting, of course, and gain ethos on those modes of discourse and strategies.
7: Today was the reemerging of strategy finding, identifying by name, and analyzing with brief passages from The Outliers (look how we went from identifying the placement of repetition, for instance, to how it connected to the mode of discourse) and a longer passage from The Overachievers. As noted in class, the author introduces The Superstar to us in a plethora of ways to give us the ultimate picture of our dear Julie (at least she's dear now since EW began our class with a lack of affection for our picture perfect high school star). For homework, finish up your Julie reading and note the other techniques and strategies that the author continues to give us regarding the introduction of Julie. We'll meet our other 2 Overachievers during tomorrow's class. Great work today - how cool that we started off with talking about imagery and pathos, moves into tone shifts, and somehow managed to build to a crescendo of juxtaposition! Look what all of you are capable of doing!
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Meetings, Meetings, Meetings
With the exception of third hour (we'll catch up eventually), AP Lang centered around prompt meetings with the goal of close reading, writing, and analyzing better for our next diagnostic. Hopefully, the feedback, your goals for improvement, your verb identification and revision, and your work on the toolbox and reviewing strategies will be the avenues for large-scale movement up the AP grading scale.
And for those of you reading the blog, as instructed, suggested, and reminded to do, you should know the modes of discourse for our upcoming activities.
1 & 4: Vocab plus malapropism, zeugma, anadiplosis. Meetings still in progress.
3: Vocab plus completion of the RA and writing prompt tips. Prompt returns and meetings begin tomorrow.
7: Vocab and any meetings still left from Friday's class. We will be back into identifying strategies via passages from The Outliers and The Overachievers.
And for those of you reading the blog, as instructed, suggested, and reminded to do, you should know the modes of discourse for our upcoming activities.
1 & 4: Vocab plus malapropism, zeugma, anadiplosis. Meetings still in progress.
3: Vocab plus completion of the RA and writing prompt tips. Prompt returns and meetings begin tomorrow.
7: Vocab and any meetings still left from Friday's class. We will be back into identifying strategies via passages from The Outliers and The Overachievers.
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