Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Last Lucy Day

As AP Lit students still seem to bring her up (even though some still maintain that they are not fans), Lucy Grealy has made an indelible mark on your education. Alas, today is the last in-class day that she will be the featured with your argumentative essay. As assigned, you have until Wednesday at 3 p.m. to turn in your essay, the last grade of the quarter. For those of you on the bubble between 2 grades, this may increase your chances of achieving the better of those 2 grades.

Wednesday's class will be a review for the final - which is centered around rhetorical strategies and analysis, or what we have spent most of first semester covering. Knowing the terms that we have studied and identified will, of course, help you in both facets. Remember our looks at syntax and its many types from the basic "fourth grade" types to the "big kid" clause types? Or the fun of repetition with anadiplosis, anaphora, and epistrophe? Or the play of words with malapropisms, euphemisms, epithets, and zeugmas? Or the comparisons of similes, metaphors, motifs, and allusions? Or the world of conjunctions with the verbose polysyndeton and the straight to the point asyndeton? Or the symbolic metonymy and synecdoche? There are, of course, other strategies as well, so make sure that you are familiar with your terms and ready to identify such examples on the prompt portion and the toolbox quiz portion (no toolbox this time).

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