Monday, November 5, 2018

Scintillating Tones

I can finally type that we are all working on tone at this point! And, as I have repeated for about a week or so now, all of the poems that we will use to analyze tone are listed on a previous blog with links so that you  may print out copies, take notes, and be able to participate to the fullest. From empirical evidence, I can tell that many of you are not previewing the texts, which does not help your experience in identifying tone shifts and how to identify these tone shifts in the most accurate of manners. As we move from class tone mapping to partner tone mapping to individual tone mapping to essay prompt, copies of the texts can only help you!

1: We finished up the Keats' letters, and you have the following prompt: Analyze how John Keats' diction reflects his mentality and purpose in his letters to Fanny Brawne. This will be due by 3:15 p.m. on Thursday in hard copy form, either typed or handwritten. Make sure to use page numbers for the parenthetical citations. As with any take-home prompt, if you are absent for the entire today, you will need to either share or send a photograph of you work to indicate its completion. Next, we completed our second toolbox quiz, which means any absentees will need to make this up a.s.a.p. Last, we started our tone work, utilizing scintillating, apathetic, lachrymose, bilious, and surprised tones to read like statements and identify major tone shifts. Alas, tone shifts are usually of a smaller nature, so our next class will be about the subtlety of tone shifts via a little creative conversation. As noted in class, and as above, all of the upcoming tone texts are listed on a previous blog and the expectation at this level of class is that you are prepared to contribute.

3: Our hour, after looking over the "big kid" tone list, was dedicated on how to create a tone map through "Chicago." As with any tone map assignment, you start by identifying all of the subtle tone shifts existing in a text. Then, you identify each tone section with a specific, mature tone word. Then, you select 2 words to act as the range for all of the other tone words to fit within those confines. Then, you create a map by placing the points to convey the visual shift of tone. Last, you look at the patterns of the tone shifts and analyze the importance. We will have many more tone maps to come - which all stem from the list of texts on a previous blog. I've mentioned this 3 times in this blog thus far, so it must be important to preview and have your own copies for future assignments.

5: After we looked over your very pastel selections for "The Children's Hour" tone map, we read the next two poems on the tone list: "Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy" by my old buddy, EAR. After our look-see at these 2 men and their lives, you were assigned one poem to make a tone map and write a corresponding analytical paragraph. If absent today, choose one of the aforementioned poems and create the tone map (look at shifts by line and not by stanzas). Make sure to have this tone map completed for next class. And, as I have repeated several times in this blog and in class, we have 2 texts left with hour tone work, which means an essay is most likely imminent. If you do not preview those poems and have notes relating what words and allusions mean, you will not have as successful of an experience as you could have.

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