While many of your are practicing snow incantations, third hour and I agree that if we all complete our homework assignments for tomorrow, we will more likely have a snow day. If we procrastinate and don't have our work ready to go, we will probably have school. So, be ready for whatever happens tomorrow!
Class Today: We finished up our tone identification of "To a Skylark" and then moved onto our reading of "Ode to a Nightingale." For next class, we will be identifying the tone of the "Nightingale" stanzas. If you were absent today, make sure you are ready to contribute tone and strategies for stanzas 5-8. In addition, you have the tone prompt in your hands: You received your assessment for the tone unit: In regards to Percy Shelley’s “To a Skylark” and John Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale,” compare and contrast the tone and other rhetorical devices used by these poets in their writing about birds. As with the last prompt, this may be handwritten or typed and will be turned in via hard copy by according to the alternatives. If absent for the entire day, you may send via digital methods and then turn in a hard copy.
Alternative A: Thursday will feature the remainder of our tone work for "Ode to a Nightingale," a recap of the tone prompt, and the return of your Keats' prompt. If this is the case, the tone prompt will be due by 3:30 p.m. on Monday, November 19.
Alternative B: Monday will feature the same content as planned for Thursday. However, the tone prompt will be due by 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 20.
Class Today: With the Keats' prompts returned, you now have feedback to remind you of what to do with a rhetorical analysis prompts, which is fortunate as the tone prompt is due very soon, according to the future alternatives. Afterwards, we returned to our pathos look-see by watching a video to see the different means of how pathos can be introduced into visual mediums. If you want to watch the video, go back in time and check fifth hour's blog from a few days ago - you will find the link there. At the end of the hour, we went over the group rhetorical analysis presentation, which will continue at next class. Currently, you now the requirements and your groups. Next time will be topics and prep days.
Alternative A: Thursday remains the due date for the tone prompt.
Alternative B: If school is not in session on Thursday, the prompt will be due on Monday by 3:30 p.m.
Class Today: Prep Day for Group Rhetorical Analysis Presentations.
Alternative A: Prep Day as planned on Thursday with presentations beginning Monday.
Alternative B: Prep Day on Monday with presentations beginning Tuesday.
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