Thursday, November 8, 2018

Heading to Pathos

With the tone unit moving quite quickly in all hours, the last part of rhetorical analysis, those rhetorical appeals, namely pathos, will be taking center stage in the next week. As a blatant reminder, having copies of our tone texts will only help you for later assessment purposes and advanced discussions. If you do not have a sense of what the poems are about, what the words mean, what the allusions reference, you will not have as much ethos on the texts' tones.

1: We returned to "Chicago" and created a class tone map by identifying the shifts, identifying the tone of each section, selecting a range to create the map, plotting points of tone, connecting the dots, and analyzing patterns of tone. With that as an example (and quite a vibrant one in shades of pink and orange), you started the same process with "The Children's Hour." At this point, you are starting to identify the tone of each stanza (normally via line, but we shall avoid any arguments by stanza shifts this time around) and will continue through the process of tone mapping during Friday's class.

3: We finished up "The Children's Hour," by looking at examples of the maps and the analytical paragraphs associated with this poem. Then, we read our EAR selections, "Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy." Each of you have been assigned one of the poems in which to create a tone map with its corresponding analysis paragraph - just remember it is the speaker's tone and not the character's tone that you are charting. For this tone map, you will locate shifts by line and not by stanza. So every time you see a shift, that indicates another section of the text. KE, you have "Richard Cory" and MT, you have "Miniver Cheevy" for you individual tone maps.

5: As with all of our units, fifth hour has completed the tone unit with a flourish by analyzing the tones of "To a Skylark" and "Ode to a Nightingale." At the end of the hour, you received the take-home prompt: In regards to Percy Shelley’s “To a Skylark” and John Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale,” compare and contrast the tone and other rhetorical devices used by these poets in their writing about birds. As with the last prompt, this may be handwritten or types and will be turned in via hard copy by Tuesday, November 13, at 5:00 p.m. If absent for the entire day, you may send via digital methods and then turn in a hard copy. 

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