Friday, November 30, 2018

Fallacy Friday

We are in the midst of fallacies! And for homework, you have the pleasure of creating your own slippery slope fallacy - have fun in the ridiculousness of the task! Your slippery slope should include a minimum of 15 steps! If you need further inspiration, you have the DirectTV commercials, of course:

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Presentation 10

We started off the day with presentation 10 in first hour, which means we have 2 remaining. In the meanwhile, we have presentation discussions and fallacies starting tomorrow with the packet you need to prep for class.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Presentations 4-9

With 9 presentations completed, that means there are 4 (yes, 4) left to complete! Due to the need to complete presentations, our post discussions had to be moved to a later day, but these will occur! Overall, we are still witnessing very clever (conference call) methods to introduce your topic and its pathological importance and very disturbing (that poor teddy bear) means to represent the hardships of the world. More presentations on Thursday, more discussions of the topics on Thursday, fallacies - maybe - starting on Thursday. *If you missed the presentation of your group due to absence of some sort, make sure to see me to discuss a plan for how to make up the assignment. Don't worry - you won't have a whole new topic to research.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Presentations 2 & 3

Out of the 13 presentations that will occur across AP Lang, the first 3 averaged 8.33, which shows a strong usage of logos, ethos, pathos, and - most importantly - engagement of the audience! Fifth hour has been the pioneer of these presentations, and each group has created unique and creative experiences with complete audience interaction. Today, looking at the reality of terrorism on innocent victims, created a serious, tense mood that helped the audience recognize the cruelty and the loss that occurs in a daily basis (and revealed some fascinating stats at the lack of concern for international matters). Following that, the mood shifted to a quartet of guides helping the class understand the lack of education in the world. From beginning to the end, those 4 ladies kept their audience engaged, informed, and impressed - and moving - through a memorable excursion into multi-genre information. Even their classmates commented on the creativity, intelligence of design, and overall visual artifacts that conveyed ethos from beginning to end. Bravo!

You may notice that I'm not giving away too many specific details so as not to cause imitation with our future presentations. However, for those of you in fifth hour or hear about the work in fifth hour, they definitely have offered completely different presentations that completely represent what they want to express about space, Boko Haram, and Malala's educational crusade. Hence, all the future groups have the opportunity to move their audience into understanding and reaction.

What's next after all of these presentations? Fallacies - what you don't want to do in an argument. Argumentation - what you do want to do in an argument. Multiple Choice - hopefully with our limited time frame remaining we can at least start looking at these passages!

Tomorrow will be third and fifth hour presentations; first hour will have their last day (it's a block, so you have double the time) to prepare for Thursday's commencement. Barring an emergency, make sure you are in class to support your group!

Last up, don't forget the Lucy Logs for your two memoirs. You have 10 days remaining for the assignment, and I know many of you have yet to pick up your second text! Procrastination will not help you with this assignment! And don't forget, this log, which is worth a significant amount of points, will help you with an argumentative essay to end the semester, which means if you don't have the log completed, you may find yourself having difficulty with the essay. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Presentation 1

While the majority of the classes will begin presentations after break, fifth hour had the absolute pleasure to see the first one. Kudos to our pioneers of presenting, communicating so much logos (all those facts and stats), ethos (barely a glance at notes and taking all audience questions with specific responses - even if we began to entire hypothetical territory), and pathos (humor amidst the seriousness that could occur). Plus, we know that it's the perfect time to prepare for space travel!

On a separate note, there are many of you procrastinating your way through the Lucy books and logs. December 6 is the magic date, which means if you have not finished one of the memoirs, you will need to do so over Thanksgiving break in order to complete the second for the deadline. This is a significant assignment, so not completing it will severely impact your grade and your ability to eventually write an essay on the subject.

1: We looked at how pathos can be developed through words, images, music, and presentation to set up your rhetorical appeals group presentations, which were assigned today. If here, you should definitely start brainstorming and preparing for prep days next week. If absent, you will either be a group with other absentees or be merged with the existing groups. (We shall find out with attendance on Monday.)

3: We had our second of three prep days, which means presentations start Tuesday.

5: As noted above, we considered going to Mars - whether from interest or disaster! Today was an excellent model of how to present a topic with logos, ethos, and pathos and how to be an engaged audience member with questions and observations. I learned a great deal about Mars, so thank you, savants, for all of your knowledge.

Monday, November 19, 2018

The Presentation of Pathos

We're all in some phase of pathos now! What is to come after our review of the three rhetorical appeals? We will have a brief unit on fallacies (can't skip my fav slippery slope), start on argumentation (what you have all been waiting for), and begin work on MC passages (it's all about close reading - can't escape it). Oh, and of course, you have your Lucy Grealy readings and logs, which are still due on Thursday, December 6. Not many people have traded for their second text, so hopefully you are keeping up your reading and log pacing in order to trade tomorrow or immediately following your second long break of the month.

1: We wrapped up our tone work - effusively - with looking at "Ode on a Grecian Urn," which means that your tone prompt deadline is Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. The previous blog had the exact prompt and rules and regulations - in case you forget any details. In the middle of class, you received your Keats prompts back and, as the average score jumped up over 2 points into the 5 range! As we move into less participation and more content evaluation, this is a promising move! At the end of class, we looked at advertisements and how these images create varying forms of pathos and purposes. Tomorrow will be more pathos and the introduction of the rhetorical appeals group project.

3: We have our topics and we have our first day of group prep!

5: We have our last day of group prep, which means the order of presentation was determined during class. As a reminder to all groups, make sure that all of you are prepared to go!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Alternatives A & B

While many of your are practicing snow incantations, third hour and I agree that if we all complete our homework assignments for tomorrow, we will more likely have a snow day. If we procrastinate and don't have our work ready to go, we will probably have school. So, be ready for whatever happens tomorrow!


Class Today: We finished up our tone identification of "To a Skylark" and then moved onto our reading of "Ode to a Nightingale." For next class, we will be identifying the tone of the "Nightingale" stanzas. If you were absent today, make sure you are ready to contribute tone and strategies for stanzas 5-8. In addition, you have the tone prompt in your hands: You received your assessment for the tone unit: In regards to Percy Shelley’s “To a Skylark” and John Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale,” compare and contrast the tone and other rhetorical devices used by these poets in their writing about birds. As with the last prompt, this may be handwritten or typed and will be turned in via hard copy by according to the alternatives. If absent for the entire day, you may send via digital methods and then turn in a hard copy.  

Alternative A: Thursday will feature the remainder of our tone work for "Ode to a Nightingale," a recap of the tone prompt, and the return of your Keats' prompt. If this is the case, the tone prompt will be due by 3:30 p.m. on Monday, November 19. 

Alternative B: Monday will feature the same content as planned for Thursday. However, the tone prompt will be due by 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 20. 


Class Today: With the Keats' prompts returned, you now have feedback to remind you of what to do with a rhetorical analysis prompts, which is fortunate as the tone prompt is due very soon, according to the future alternatives. Afterwards, we returned to our pathos look-see by watching a video to see the different means of how pathos can be introduced into visual mediums. If you want to watch the video, go back in time and check fifth hour's blog from a few days ago - you will find the link there. At the end of the hour, we went over the group rhetorical analysis presentation, which will continue at next class. Currently, you now the requirements and your groups. Next time will be topics and prep days.

Alternative A: Thursday remains the due date for the tone prompt.

Alternative B: If school is not in session on Thursday, the prompt will be due on Monday by 3:30 p.m.


Class Today: Prep Day for Group Rhetorical Analysis Presentations.

Alternative A: Prep Day as planned on Thursday with presentations beginning Monday.

Alternative B: Prep Day on Monday with presentations beginning Tuesday. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

A Little Skylark, A Little Nightingale, A Little Preparation

1: Just a reminder that with a college-level class, preparation is key to the understanding of the course, formulating ideas, and participating in class. This is he final reminder that it would behoove you to have your own copies of the tone texts and to have these readings prepared with notes. Today's class was, somewhat, lacking in preparation, so make sure to have all of your ethos regarding the tone work ready for tomorrow. For those in class today, we looked at our EAR tone poems, noting the tone words, patterns, and how EAR's poems compare and contrast. Then, we had a very in-depth and successful reading of "To a Skylark," looking at the poem's meaning and overall ideas. At the end of the hour, each person has the responsibility to identify the tones of specific stanzas and any rhetorical devices that pepper those stanzas. You will have limited time to confer with a partner tomorrow, so make sure you have the information ready to go. If absent, you are assigned stanzas 11-13. After we finish our tone work with "To a Skylark," we will have our last tone text, "Ode to a Nightingale." Make sure you are preparing for class. If you are not taking the initiative in the preparation side of things, it will not help when you have to write prompts on the material.

3: A little bit of everything today. 1. We finished our tone analysis of "Ode to a  Nightingale" with a flurry of tone words - some familiar to our "Skylark" tones. Hmmm. 2. You received your assessment for the tone unit: In regards to Percy Shelley’s “To a Skylark” and John Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale,” compare and contrast the tone and other rhetorical devices used by these poets in their writing about birds. As with the last prompt, this may be handwritten or types and will be turned in via hard copy by Thursday, November 15, at 3:30 p.m. If absent for the entire day, you may send via digital methods and then turn in a hard copy.  3. We looked at pathos via advertisements and photographs and words to see the effect of pathos on an audience, namely you. 

5: We had a prep day today! I didn't hear from all groups today, but I know the group closest to me has some creative and thoughtful ideas for their topic. Prep days continue for the rest of this week, so make sure you are figuring out individual assignments and how the final presentation will be! 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Tone & Pathos

1: As noted in class - and several times in the last week, you should have all tone texts printed out, previewed, and read to make sure you understand any terms and allusions present to the meaning. We are nearing the end of the tone unit and having these texts prepared will only expedite our class discussion and the completion of our tone work.

Meanwhile during class, we finished up our "Children's Hour" tone maps by writing the analytical paragraph and then having a read aloud to see how you did with the analysis. Overall, we heard some strong usage of tone words, evidence, and explanations. To add to our tone readings, we looked at our EAR selections, "Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy," which you will create a full tone map - including paragraph analysis - for homework this evening. Marie, you have "Richard Cory" as your assignment and Ethan, you have "Miniver Cheevy."

3: We are so near to the end of the tone unit, which is obvious by all the strong tone words (effusive, eulogizing, wistful, idyllic, lugubrious were some of the hits) identifying "To a Skylark's" shifting tone. We did finish our reading of "Ode to a Nightingale," which means each of you were assigned one of the stanzas to identify tone and any other rhetorical elements. Kayla, you have stanza 2 to do.

5: Your class has one more element of tone remaining: the tone prompt, which is due by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday. Feel free to turn in at any point prior to this time. For our class focus today, we settled into the world of pathos and the differing ways to create emotion for the audience via this video: As the projector screen is currently a shade of purple, you are welcome to watch the video as it is intended! The rest of our class rotated around your Rhetorical Appeals Group Presentation, which will involve logos, ethos, and, of course, pathos to engage the audience regarding your topic. After selecting the topics, prep days begin tomorrow and will occur through Thursday. Presentations will be Monday and Tuesday of next week - hopefully, we will finish all of these before break so there are not any lingering ones on the 26th (the emergency makeup day). As noted in class, the next days are not the ones to miss as you work with your group and present.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Still Toning, For the Most Part

Just a reminder that the two Lucy Grealy memoirs and their logs are due on December 6! If you have not finished your first text, you  may want to do so prior to Thanksgiving break so that you do not feel that procrastinator stress that often occurs with a last-minute lengthy assignment. We have just received more copies of both texts, so starting next week, there will be plenty available! Just in time!

1: We worked on the tone map for "The Children's Hour," which we have half-completed at this point. If you were not here for this work, you will need to bring in your own draft a tone map for the text, so that you can participate in our analysis and discussion portion. We will be moving quite quickly through our remaining tone texts, so make sure you have your own personal copies, have previewed the poems and now context of words, allusions, and general meanings.

3: We shared our EAR poem tone maps today and then read "To a Skylark" to prep for our eventual tone assessment. We had some strong epiphanies as the poem progressed, but there were still many not prepared for our tone texts. Having a personal copy can only help you in the long run, especially as we have just one more left to go.

5: Due to some technical difficulties, we had a shortened look at pathos and the emotional reactions to photography and advertisements. The Bird prompt is due on Tuesday, so feel free to work on this early!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Tone Map Samples

Now that we are all in the realm of tone mapping - whether entering or exiting the process - here are two samples from this year's classes and their takes on "Chicago." Yes, jingoistic is included!

How interesting that even though different tone words were used to describe the sections, that both maps ended up nearly identical in shape!

Additionally, both of these samples analyzed the pattern as a part of an argument with the "insider" point of view usurping the initial "outsider" perspective.

Heading to Pathos

With the tone unit moving quite quickly in all hours, the last part of rhetorical analysis, those rhetorical appeals, namely pathos, will be taking center stage in the next week. As a blatant reminder, having copies of our tone texts will only help you for later assessment purposes and advanced discussions. If you do not have a sense of what the poems are about, what the words mean, what the allusions reference, you will not have as much ethos on the texts' tones.

1: We returned to "Chicago" and created a class tone map by identifying the shifts, identifying the tone of each section, selecting a range to create the map, plotting points of tone, connecting the dots, and analyzing patterns of tone. With that as an example (and quite a vibrant one in shades of pink and orange), you started the same process with "The Children's Hour." At this point, you are starting to identify the tone of each stanza (normally via line, but we shall avoid any arguments by stanza shifts this time around) and will continue through the process of tone mapping during Friday's class.

3: We finished up "The Children's Hour," by looking at examples of the maps and the analytical paragraphs associated with this poem. Then, we read our EAR selections, "Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy." Each of you have been assigned one of the poems in which to create a tone map with its corresponding analysis paragraph - just remember it is the speaker's tone and not the character's tone that you are charting. For this tone map, you will locate shifts by line and not by stanza. So every time you see a shift, that indicates another section of the text. KE, you have "Richard Cory" and MT, you have "Miniver Cheevy" for you individual tone maps.

5: As with all of our units, fifth hour has completed the tone unit with a flourish by analyzing the tones of "To a Skylark" and "Ode to a Nightingale." At the end of the hour, you received the take-home prompt: In regards to Percy Shelley’s “To a Skylark” and John Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale,” compare and contrast the tone and other rhetorical devices used by these poets in their writing about birds. As with the last prompt, this may be handwritten or types and will be turned in via hard copy by Tuesday, November 13, at 5:00 p.m. If absent for the entire day, you may send via digital methods and then turn in a hard copy. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

All That Tone!

We are in varying phases of tone work from the beginning of tone maps to the final texts. As a reminder, one that is becoming quite redundant, it is highly recommended that you print out copies of the tone texts (all linked on a previous blog) for preview and preparation of terms, improving comprehension, and fostering discussion.

1: We completed a creative activity, which definitely exhibited the ability to differentiate positive, negative, humorous, and sorrowful tones. From paranoid to loving, we had quite the mix of tones to identify. Absentees will need to use their umbrella tone list, select 3 tones from the neutral category, and create a thorough conversation between 3 people with each person having a specific tone. Afterwards, we read our first tone text, "Chicago," which we will use tomorrow to craft a class tone map. For homework, read through the "big kid" tone list and star/asterisk/mark the tone words that you find fun, interesting, enchanting, or anything else for that matter.

3: We moved into the partner tone map with "The Children's Hour," crafting all but the last step of the process, which we will have tomorrow. If absent, you should craft a rough draft of a tone map for the text and have it ready to go for next class.

5: We finished our tone mapping work (I know, sad) with our EAR poems, comparing and contrasting his tones as an author. Now, we go into "To a Skylark," looking at its meaning (sadness and happiness, happiness and sadness, the theme that will not go away!) and working in partners to paraphrase, identify tones, and look for any other rhetorical strategies fluttering about in the stanzas. We will resume with stanza 4 tomorrow and then it will be back to Keats for our last tone text. I think you're going to like what's coming up after tone!

Monday, November 5, 2018

It's Benjamin Banneker Week!

In exciting news, it is Benjamin Banneker week, which celebrates the revered writer, scientist, and all-around savant. I must say that one of the highlights of teaching AP Lang for all of these years is my introduction to Banneker, his historical significance, his brilliance as a savant, and his letter-writing abilities to our old buddy Tommy J. 

 Here is a little more information from a fun website of daily, weekly, and monthly celebrations:

And, to make this a little more relevant and applicable, you will notice that there are 2 activities for celebrating Banneker's role in our lives. 

The first is to make a clock face (non-working) using mathematics to represent the numbers 1-12 (so don't literally write 1, 2, and so forth but construct formulas or mathematical expressions to represent each number). Here is a picture I found online (which may be blocked since it originally came from facebook) of such a clock, which looks to be made out of cardboard:

The second is to compose a poem that actually features mathematical puzzles for the reader to solve. Here are some examples: As you can see the word problems are divided up into verse form, which means you can play with rhyme and diction and poetic elements to express math. 

So to make this interesting and decorate my room, you have the challenge of constructing a 3 dimensional clock (so not on typing paper but with a more solid material - creative materials add to the presentation) and/or a mathematical poem on decorated construction paper/cardboard/posterboard for extra credit. The poem can have combined mathematical puzzles to boost the level of difficulty and content. All the math must be accurate - and, yes, I am a polymath (at least that is what Joe Cassidy calls me) and have right and left brain talents. The clock will be worth a maximum of 35 points, and the mathematical poem will be worth a maximum of 20 points. Points will be awarded for originality, mathematical connection, presentation, and effort, which means those utilizing the most clever materials, math, and presentation will amass the most points. 

You can do one of each by the way. The due date for this extra credit, which must be in person, is Monday, November 12, so you have one week on this extra credit opportunity. This must be turned in via hard copy (obviously) by 2:40 p.m. on that day. If you have any questions, e-mail me for clarifications. Otherwise, I am looking forward to the final products! Especially since I had about 8 clocks last year and no poems! Photo below - you can tell which had a little more effort than others. 

Scintillating Tones

I can finally type that we are all working on tone at this point! And, as I have repeated for about a week or so now, all of the poems that we will use to analyze tone are listed on a previous blog with links so that you  may print out copies, take notes, and be able to participate to the fullest. From empirical evidence, I can tell that many of you are not previewing the texts, which does not help your experience in identifying tone shifts and how to identify these tone shifts in the most accurate of manners. As we move from class tone mapping to partner tone mapping to individual tone mapping to essay prompt, copies of the texts can only help you!

1: We finished up the Keats' letters, and you have the following prompt: Analyze how John Keats' diction reflects his mentality and purpose in his letters to Fanny Brawne. This will be due by 3:15 p.m. on Thursday in hard copy form, either typed or handwritten. Make sure to use page numbers for the parenthetical citations. As with any take-home prompt, if you are absent for the entire today, you will need to either share or send a photograph of you work to indicate its completion. Next, we completed our second toolbox quiz, which means any absentees will need to make this up a.s.a.p. Last, we started our tone work, utilizing scintillating, apathetic, lachrymose, bilious, and surprised tones to read like statements and identify major tone shifts. Alas, tone shifts are usually of a smaller nature, so our next class will be about the subtlety of tone shifts via a little creative conversation. As noted in class, and as above, all of the upcoming tone texts are listed on a previous blog and the expectation at this level of class is that you are prepared to contribute.

3: Our hour, after looking over the "big kid" tone list, was dedicated on how to create a tone map through "Chicago." As with any tone map assignment, you start by identifying all of the subtle tone shifts existing in a text. Then, you identify each tone section with a specific, mature tone word. Then, you select 2 words to act as the range for all of the other tone words to fit within those confines. Then, you create a map by placing the points to convey the visual shift of tone. Last, you look at the patterns of the tone shifts and analyze the importance. We will have many more tone maps to come - which all stem from the list of texts on a previous blog. I've mentioned this 3 times in this blog thus far, so it must be important to preview and have your own copies for future assignments.

5: After we looked over your very pastel selections for "The Children's Hour" tone map, we read the next two poems on the tone list: "Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy" by my old buddy, EAR. After our look-see at these 2 men and their lives, you were assigned one poem to make a tone map and write a corresponding analytical paragraph. If absent today, choose one of the aforementioned poems and create the tone map (look at shifts by line and not by stanzas). Make sure to have this tone map completed for next class. And, as I have repeated several times in this blog and in class, we have 2 texts left with hour tone work, which means an essay is most likely imminent. If you do not preview those poems and have notes relating what words and allusions mean, you will not have as successful of an experience as you could have.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Toning Up

This is your daily reminder to read the tone texts before class. All the texts are on a previous blog with links so that you may print these out and be able to take notes for all of our future tone mapping.

1: After our vocab quiz, we spent the rest of the hour with Keats' letters and the impressive analysis of diction that all of the groups provided today. Delving into his diction (and the adjectives qualifying his shifting tones throughout the progression of his illness and love affair with Fanny) and purpose, you presented a strong, clarifying, and engaging didactic lesson for all of your classmates. (I can't wait to see what you do with tone next week!). We will wrap up the letters - and our diction unit - on Monday.

3: What a fun, creative Friday, expressing all the attitudes of team positive, team negative, team humor, and team worry! From blaming shifts of a fighting family to a paranoid conspiracy theorist bothering the rest of his group, we had excellent examples of tone and the subtle shifts that occur amongst each voice in the group. We will do more with tone next week - including the ever-fun tone maps!

5: We were a little casual in class today, but I think that paid off dividends with the quality of tone maps and analysis for "The Children's Hour," which we will share on Monday. Then, it will be time for solo tone maps, so make sure you have previewed our next texts. I can always tell by the reaction to the ending of the poem who has read it and who has not!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Keats & Tone

In the next week or so, I have a feeling that the classes will align, and we will actually have collected agendas. Until then (or whenever that shall occur with our November schedule), we are still in the process of diction ending and tone commencing. And as a broken record, all of the poems that will be part of our tone unit are in previous blogs.

1: After reviewing vocab for our upcoming vocab quiz (yes, it would behoove you to study all of our vocabulary), I modeled for you how to present the diction analysis for the Keats letters, which included identifying diction patterns with adjectives, positing a plethora of evidence from the text, analyzing the pattern, and then ending with the purpose(s) of the individual letter. In partners you analyzed a letter, preparing for your sharing of diction and purpose with the class tomorrow. If absent, you should read over the letter packet; you will either be put with a partnership or be in charge of summing up the diction of all the letters (this will depend on class attendance, which hopefully will find all of you there).

3: We finished up diction with Keats' letters and you now have the prompt to do: Analyze how John Keats' diction reflects his mentality and purpose in his letters to Fanny Brawne. This will be due by 3:15 p.m. on Monday in hard copy form, either typed or handwritten. Make sure to use page numbers for the parenthetical citations. As with any take-home prompt, if you are absent for the entire today, you will need to either share or send a photograph of you work to indicate its completion. To conclude our class, we had the second toolbox quiz, which means absentees will need to make that up in the next few days either before or after school. Tone starts tomorrow!

5: Tone continues with the ever-fun, ever-debatable tone maps! With our first text, "Chicago," the world of the outsider ("they") and the perspective of the insider ("my") clearly conveyed the two-sided argument of the city as dangerous temptress and jingoistic construction ground. Tone maps are a visual means of clarifying the tone shifts throughout a text. First, you must identify all of the tone shifts. Second, you choose a tone word to describe each section. Third, you choose two of the tone words to construct a range. Four, you plot the points and connect the dots. Fifth, you identify patterns and explain these patterns in relation to the author's purpose, structure, and ideas. Our class tone map went very well - with little argument over our tone words. Hence, we moved to the second phrase of tone mapping by reading "The Children's Hour" and identifying the tone for each stanza. If absent, you will need to have tone ideas for each stanza of "The Children's Hour" as groups are moving quickly with this activity.