1: We finished up the sharing of the team close read, which absentees will need to turn in their work to garner the participation for this assignment. Tomorrow, we will have the Orenstein prompts, new vocab, and diction week commence (diction is quite shorter in duration than syntax). As noted, diction is not just noticing shifts in a text; it's also using your own diction to offer the most collegiate, mature, engaging thesis statements as possible.
3: The hour of the E. After starting with vocab, we moved into analyzing diction and the best way to describe it (minus redundancies) and construct incredible thesis statements substantiating adjectives for diction, active verbs for the action, and clarity of purpose to finalize the sentence. Other than the challenging penchant for having almost all the verbs and purposes have "e" words, it looks like the concept of stretching your own diction has made its point and will now find expression in all of your future writing employments. We will do more with quotes and poems tomorrow!
5: It was not as purposeful as third hour's "E" work, but fifth hour did wrap up their work today with a focus on "F" alliteration. Continuing forward with thesis creation, we read Thomas Gray's Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat and Percy Shelley's Ozymandias to construct individual thesis statements and then join the poems together with a hybrid one too! (As noted in the case of multiple texts, you most likely will bring in specific adjectives for each author's diction and then combine the purposes together). While this was all in-class practice work, absentees should still read the poems and practice the analysis of diction. Once we read something in class, I will be referencing it in the future! Oh, it's time for my Keats tomorrow, and we shall start with one of his poems to look at its diction. Make sure you preview the poem, Ode on a Grecian Urn, know what all words and allusions mean, so that we may have a tad more participation tomorrow.
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