Monday, October 8, 2018

Prompting & Polysyndeton

If memory serves, Cindy syntax makes usage of polysyndeton at some point, so the title of this blog is appropriate for all hours involved.

1: You had the Cindy Syntax prompt for the entirety of the hour and third hour's syntax handout for homework - due Thursday. Tomorrow's class will be truncated due to a junior-only assembly, which means we will have vocab and a little bit of this and that since you have an approximate call time.

3: You had the Cindy syntax prompt today, which means any absentees have 48 hours to complete the prompt or schedule a time to do so. We will be back to vocab and syntax on Tuesday. In theory, we will not miss any class time as a result of the assembly tomorrow, but if we do miss a minimal amount, we still have plenty to keep busy!

5: I'm typing this in advance of class, so we shall see if all of the following occurs: vocab experts, a look at the syndetons and how they can be presented in a text, and a sample AP practice prompt to break down for tomorrow's class (if we don't get to this, we will do so on the block day). Don't forget that we have finished all of our practice/reviews of syntax identification, which means a quiz - for actual points - is on the horizon.

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