Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Six

With block days looming so close, the plan for today was reversed, and we started with something new and ended with something old. The new - that all classes are now aware of - are the 6 types of syntax that we will be utilized for rhetorical analysis. (You are still more than welcome to go declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory, telegraphic, hypophora, anaphora, and the like too.) We focused upon simple, compound, complex, compound-complex, cumulative, and periodic syntax today - what these are and what purpose they have in writing. If you were absent, you will need to know these sentence types either from a friend's notes or from online research. Expected for your class tomorrow will be 2 original examples of each sentence type, which will be turned in and used for future practices, reviews, and quizzes.

1: After our syntactical "introduction" - those quotation marks are for Andrea - we returned to the Capote prompt, shared our introductions, and peer evaluated the body paragraphs. For tomorrow, you will need to turn in your introduction, body paragraph, and concluding paragraph for this prompt.

3: After diving into the world of syntax, we returned to the Capote prompt, and the class peer evaluated the body paragraphs. You then turned in this assignment for my turn at evaluating. To end the hour, you had vocab quiz 13. As a reminder, anyone missing the quiz has 48 hours to either take the quiz or schedule an appointment to take the quiz.

4: Just like first hour, syntax was quite popular as a topic. After all that fun, the class peer evaluated the body paragraphs, and you turned in this assignment to me. To end the hour, you copied down vocab unit 14, and you know your new expert word for tomorrow's class.

7: I never realized how impactful air quotes are until teaching the forms of syntax today! After all those air quotes, we looked to the Capote prompt by sharing introductions in class and peer evaluating the body paragraphs. For tomorrow, you will need to turn in your introduction, body paragraph, and concluding paragraph for this prompt.

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