As Jalen pointed out in first hour, many of us suffer from English Kid Syndrome, which is diagnosed by the never-ending need to correct grammar, punctuation, and diction (and sometimes demand consistent color-coding of clauses). So, all those EKS Langers out there, this is for you...
1 & 7: We finally made our way to the vocab quiz for unit 13. As with all quizzes, any absentees have 48 hours to either take the quiz or schedule a time to take the quiz. Following that momentous occasion, we concentrated the rest of the class on syntax, reviewing independent and dependent clauses, the six types of syntax, and the purpose of cumulative and periodic sentences. And to end class, we began reading and analyzing the purpose of Chapter 1 of Cinderella Ate My Daughter. For homework, finish identifying the purposes of each section and be ready to share on Friday. If absent, you should stop by tomorrow to pick up a copy. (Oh, you also turned in your sentences and the Capote paragraphs.)
3: After jotting down vocab for unit 14, we spent the rest of the hour on clauses, syntax styles, and Chapter 1 of Cinderella Ate My Daughter. For homework, make sure to finish reading the text and identifying the purposes for each section.
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