Monday, April 24, 2017

The Score

After completing your charts for the rhetorical analysis and argumentative essays, you received your synthesis essays for evaluation. In order to expedite the review of this writing style, we worked in one leader-group rotation to give you a sense of what to improve upon in the upcoming weeks.

Then, most importantly, you have a score for the full AP exam. The classes ranged from 2-5, with 15 students reaching that enviable position of a 5 on this scoring sheet. (Do remember - sorry to damper your spirits - that the range required for a 5 may be different on the test this year.)

To wrap up class, we began our review of close reading, multiple choice, and rhetorical analysis by reading a text by Thomas Jefferson, having volunteers share details and strategies (very impressive showing by first hour), and completing a rhetorical analysis chart for the passage -- which is your homework for this evening. Make sure to bring the passage and chart back.

Don't forget to vote for your favorite shoes. The deadline for AP Lang is May 9!

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