Monday, October 10, 2016

And the Diction Goes On...

1: We copied down vocab unit 15, which will commence tomorrow. We looked at two texts - Gray's "Drowning Cat" and Shelley's "Ozymandias" -- and how the author constructs diction to create a theme. While on the surface both of these poems have nothing in common -- a cat and a defunct king -- these texts do overlap in their expression of power, gold, and immortality. Cool, huh? (P.S. Ozymandias is Ramses II, not Ramses as we talked about in class. Oops!) Tomorrow will be all about my Keatsy!!!!!

3: We started vocab experts for unit 15, finished our class diction analysis on quotes, and worked in groups to analyze a longer passage for its diction usage. We will finish our last group's presentation of diction tomorrow and then move onto cats, Ozymandias (Want to look a savant tomorrow? Look that one up), and Keatsy.

7: Hmm...we will start with the vocab review for the quiz tomorrow, we will finish sharing our team close reads in a more expedited fashion than on Friday, and we will transition from syntax to diction by looking at anaphora in "A Birthday." Fingers crossed we start class diction analysis of quotes.

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