1: I am very impressed with the ambition and depth of analysis exhibited by your class this morning. With original hooks detailing historical context, applying modern day analogies, or enumerating the milieu, you created a memorable scenario before even delving into the rhetorical analysis component. (I hope you carry some of these ideas with you for future writing prompts.) During tomorrow's class, you will have your second diagnostic writing prompt. The prompt will be face down on your desk when you arrive to class. When the bell sounds, you may turn over the prompt and begin writing. At the 40 minute mark, I will indicate the time and you are to draw a line delineating where you are at that point. You will then have until the bell -- if needed -- to complete your writing. When the bell rings, your pencil/pen stops writing. Remember, you are not to share the prompt or any information with the other AP Lang classes. If you do so, you are giving them an advantage that you did not have for this diagnostic.
3 & 7: After vocabulary experts, you had the rest of the hour to work on group presentations prep. Remember, to challenge yourself with voice (hooks and conclusions) and with rhetorical strategies (seek out a few difficult ones to merge with the more familiar ones). Presentations will be tomorrow.
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