Friday, September 30, 2016

Meet the Syndetons

1 & 3: We continued with our vocabulary experts, then we went over the second syntax handout, then we learned about polysyndeton - the use of multiple conjunctions in syntax - and asyndeton - the lack of conjunction use in syntax. We analyzed a few samples, which will help us next week we look at a text for syndeton usage.

Monday will be the syntax quiz -- this one will be points. I highly recommend you review your handouts and practice identifying sentence structures for ultimate success and syntactical superiority.

7: You had your Cindy Syntax prompt today! At the end of the hour, you received your second syntax practice, which will need to be completed for Monday's class.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Cindy Syntax Continues

1: To continue our Cindy Syntax, you worked in a new group composed of representatives from each section of the text. I enjoyed my group immensely - Audrey, Jessie, Jared, and Jerald brought so much to the table with strategies, syntactical purposes, and overall purposes. I can't wait to read their final analysis and see how our group work helped with mature analysis.

After our group work, you wrote your first full prompt in a 45 minute timed environment. This 45 minutes includes a suggested 5 minute prepping stage and a suggested 40 minute writing stage.

Following our prompt work, we began Vocab Unit 14 with its first four words, and you received syntax handout 2, which will need to be completed for Friday's class work.

3: To continue our Cindy Syntax, you met in your original groups and clarified syntax types and patterns in your given text section. Then, you worked in a new group composed of representatives from the other textual sections to learn about the syntax throughout the text and determine overall syntactical patterns and textual purposes.

After all of this preparation, you wrote your first full prompt in a 45 minute timed environment. The 45 minutes allowed for a suggested 5 minute prewriting stage and a suggested 40 minute writing stage.

Following the Cindy Syntax prompt, we added four new vocabulary words for Unit 14, and you received syntax handout 2, which will be utilized in class on Friday.

7: Our class was all about Cindy today as we transitioned from Cindy Purpose to Cindy Syntax. After finishing purpose identification, you formed groups to identify the specific forms of syntax utilized in part of the text. Before leaving your original group, you also determined patterns of syntax that you would then share with your new group comprised of representatives from other text sections. As your new group continued forward, you also spent quality time looking at the text as a whole and how Orenstein uses syntactical patterns and purposes.

To end class, you copied down Unit 14 vocabulary and were assigned your next Vocab Expert word. Due to the prompt's duration on Friday, we will begin vocabulary on Monday.

For our next class, you will be writing the prompt for this text. Make sure you have your annotated text with you in order to expedite the prewriting stage and provide you confidence during prompt writing. You do not have a prompt, so there is no outline or prep work to complete prior to class.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Cindy Syntax

1st hour:

  1. Copied down Vocab Unit 14 and assigned words. We will, time permitting, commence this unit tomorrow.
  2. As a class, we shared section purposes of Cinderella Ate My Daughter.
  3. In your chosen groups, each of you became responsible for highlighting 1-2 sentence structures in a page range of the text. Then, you shared your finding with your group, notating the various types of syntax throughout your assigned pages and clarifying patterns of syntax.
Tomorrow, make sure to bring back your text, purpose annotations, and syntactical analysis. You will be in a new group, one composed of people from other page ranges, and you will be sharing your findings to prep for the writing prompt. Once that group work is complete, you will have your writing prompt. I have been asked whether you could have an outline for this writing prompt, which would be quite difficult to do since you do not have a prompt yet. The prompt will be given to you tomorrow. Forecasting an outline would  not be appropriate for the assignment or for your time. Hence, NO OUTLINE - just bring your text with you.

3rd hour:
  1. We started Vocab Unit 14 with 4 new works today. We will, time permitting, continue with four more words tomorrow.
  2. As a class, we shared section purposes of Cinderella Ate My Daughter.
  3. In your chosen groups, each of you became responsible for highlighting 1-2 sentence structures in a page range of the text. 
Tomorrow, make sure to bring back your text, purpose annotations, and syntactical analysis. You will reconvene with your group and look at the various syntax types and patterns of syntax. You will then be in a new group, one composed of people from other page ranges, and you will be sharing your findings to prep for the writing prompt. Once that group work is complete, you will have your writing prompt. I have been asked whether you could have an outline for this writing prompt, which would be quite difficult to do since you do not have a prompt yet. The prompt will be given to you tomorrow. Forecasting an outline would  not be appropriate for the assignment or for your time. Hence, NO OUTLINE - just bring your text with you.

If you were absent, you should identify the types of syntax on pg. 9 so that you may be part of the experience tomorrow. 

7th hour:

After we finished the vocabulary quiz, we read Cinderella Ate My Daughter and identified the purpose of each paragraph/section. For homework, finish reading and identifying the purposes - we will use this in class tomorrow! If you want a hint of what is to come, you can read first and third hours' synopses. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Cindy Purpose

All the classes are operating on the same theme, but we seem to be finishing our agenda at different times! Hopefully, this encapsulates everything we did today.

*For all classes, if you miss a vocabulary quiz, rhetorical toolbox quiz, or writing prompt, you have 2 school days to make this up or schedule an appointment to make up the work. Scheduling can occur via person or e-mail.

1: Vocab Quiz 13, followed by the review of Syntax Handout 1. Then, we started reading the first chapter of Cinderella Ate My Daughter, the text that you will use later in the week for a writing prompt. During class, we read about half of the text and then jotted down purposes of each section. For homework, finish up the purposes for each section. We will discuss these purposes and then turn Cindy Purpose into Cindy Syntax, differentiating various forms of syntax and then noting the syntactical patterns throughout the text.

3: We copied down Vocab Unit 14, which we will begin tomorrow and then reviewed the answers for Syntax Handout 1. Then, we used our textbook (it does exist) to review cumulative, periodic, and inverted sentences. Not only did we review structure of these syntactical forms, we analyzed the purpose of each example - for instance, some were to describe, some to indicate cause and effect, some to provide ethos, and so on. All of this set us up to start the first chapter of Cinderella Ate My Daughter, the text that will become your dear friend for the writing prompt this week. During class - for two sections at least - we notated the purposes of each section. For homework, finish up the purposes for the assigned sections. We will discuss these purposes and then move onto Cindy Syntax tomorrow.

7: Since the majority of the class had other duties during seventh hour on Friday, we saved our vocab review for today. Guess what? Yes, your quiz will be tomorrow. Meanwhile, we finished our last meetings on the Banneker prompt and reviewed the answers for Syntax Handout #1. To continue our syntax training, we grabbed a textbook and studied cumulative, periodic, and inverted sentences even further! How so, you ask? We looked at the purpose of each syntactical form and how an author can utilize description, cause and effect, process analysis, persuasive appeals, and all kinds of discourse to further an idea.

Friday, September 23, 2016

40 Minutes of Something or Another

With 40 minutes in class and with seventh hour losing several of its members due to assembly commitments, we were limited in our agenda today. However, here is what happened...

1: Vocab Review, analysis of cumulative, periodic, and inverted sentences in the textbook (remember, look at purpose and tone of these syntactical styles), syntax handout, which will be completed for Monday's class.

3: Finish meetings, vocab quiz 13, syntax handout, which will be completed for Monday's class. I do have digital copies for those absentees if they would like them.

7: Ideally, we will continue with our meetings, review vocab, and commence the syntax handout, which will be completed for Monday's class.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Banneker Meetings


1: Finished Banneker meetings, finished vocabulary unit 13 words, highlighted clauses and identified syntax types, analyzed cumulative and periodic sentences for purpose.

3 & 7: Checked the syntax handout for accuracy, discussed ways to improve verbs in writing, and started meetings for the Banneker prompt.

P.S. Izzy B and Sydney G guessed the exact number: 372.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Syntax Week Tuesday

All students turned in their 12 sentences reflecting the 6 styles of syntax.

1: After vocab experts, we focused on verbs today. While verb usage may seem mundane and a throwaway element, verbs reflect your level of diction, your voice, and your analysis of a text. During today's class, you worked on revising the verbs in your Banneker essay and focused on amending these issues:
  • Writing in present tense and not past tense. 
  • Eradicating as many "to be" verbs as possible.
  • Substituting redundant or vague verbs with specific, mature diction.
While you worked on revising your essays, I circled around the room for Banneker essay meetings, which we will complete during tomorrow's class. Syntax will return as well, so bring your syntax handout and your highlighters.

3 & 7: After vocab experts, we completed a few rounds of rhetorical toolbox definitions, focusing on strategies, persuasive appeals, and modes of discourse. Then, you grabbed your highlighters and worked on the remaining examples on the syntax handout. Tomorrow, we will be continuing with syntax, discussing verb issues, and meeting about your Banneker prompt.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Syntax Week Begins

After our vocabulary additions, we began syntax week by reviewing the 4 basic types of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory) and our newest addition, telegraphic sentences.

While those former sentence identifications add to your rhetorical analysis, there are 6 types that we will focus upon during our syntax week. Those six are simple, compound, complex, compound-complex, cumulative, and periodic. As discussed in class, the author would use each sentence type for a particular purpose, which you are to determine during syntax analysis.

To complete our hour, we highlighted types of clauses on your handout in order to visualize the multiple syntax structures and then identified the syntax.

For homework, you are to write 2 creative sentences for each sentence type. These will be used for future syntax identification practices and eventual quizzes.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Capote Prompt

For all hours today, we added 4 vocab experts words before focusing the rest of the hour on reading and writing the parts of a rhetorical essay. First, we gathered in a circle -- not for necromancy -- and read other introductory paragraphs for content, style, and originality of hook. Then, we returned to our original locales, and you each wrote 1 body paragraph for the Capote prompt. To keep us moving, we then returned to our circle and traded body paragraphs. Back to the desks for writing a concluding paragraph. At the end of class, I collected your 3 paragraphs so I could also have the opportunity to read your ideas and analysis.

If absent, you will need to turn in these 3 paragraphs. We did not move into syntax, band kids, so just keep your little packet for next time.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Close Reading on the Board!

Just a reminder for all AP Lang students, you should be checking the blog daily (if absent) and on a weekly basis (if not absent) to make sure you do not miss out on review information or bonus content. If you are absent and need a copy of the assignment, you should e-mail for the work and be ready to go when you return to class.

1 & 7: First on the docket, you completed the vocabulary quiz for unit 12. To continue with vocabulary, you then copied down the words and definitions for unit 13 and received your vocab expert assignment. Next up, you had your second rhetorical toolbox quiz. To round out the hour, we used a prompt and a passage to practice close reading skills. For homework, you are to write a scintillating introduction for the Capote prompt. We will use this on Friday for peer evaluation! And don't worry, we are not finished with the Capote prompt yet - more to come next time.

*Any student missing the quizzes will need to make up the work by Friday.

3: We started vocab unit 13 -- or the unit with harlequin and cataract oddly included in its vernacular -- and then finished discussing the rangefinders. After adding to our diction and AP grading skills, we spent the rest of the hour practicing prompt and close reading skills on the board! For homework, you are to write a scintillating introduction for the Capote prompt.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hello, AP Graders

1 & 7: We reviewed vocabulary, which means that your quiz is tomorrow. Then, you learned the number valuation of the rangefinders. For the most part, we all agree that all of the essays are not worthy of a 9. Although, the "9" does have the strongest organization and strategy analysis in comparison to the other examples. Tomorrow, we will continue with close reading and perfecting rhetorical analysis writing.

3: After the vocabulary quiz, we copied down vocab unit 13, which we will begin tomorrow. If you missed the quiz, you have until Friday to make it up. Then, we began our analysis of the rangefinders, which will continue into tomorrow's class.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Close Reading (an AP Lang's teacher favorite two words)

1 & 7: We continued with vocabulary, adding words to our vernacular. Then, we discussed the importance of utilizing your pen/pencil when dealing with prompts. First, always break down the prompt, circling/underlining/whatever geometrical figure you prefer. By breaking down the prompt, you have a directed focus prior to reading and will be less likely to make a mistake regarding your essay and the background information. Second, always close read the text, finding key words and phrases that will lead you to rhetorical strategies. Even if you are not aware of a strategy's name at first, you will start to notice patterns that will lead you there! For homework, AP graders, you are to indicate the number of each rangefinder. You will find out if you are correct during class tomorrow.  Your prompts will be returned at some point during the week.

3: We reviewed vocabulary, which means your second vocab quiz is tomorrow! Otherwise, everything above is true for your class, so make sure you read the synopsis for first and seventh hours.

Friday, September 9, 2016


1: In covert fashion, we began to look at the rangefinders today. Due to time constraints, we only made it through the scoring guide and the start of a close read. Remember, always break down the prompt to make sure you have an understanding of what you will need to accomplish in the essay. And, double remember to always close read, a method to find rhetorical strategies from the starting paragraph to the end. We will finish our class close ready on Monday, and you will become an AP grader!

3 & 7: Diagnostic Timed Prompt Day! Anyone absent will need to make up the prompt during class time next week - most likely when we are going over the prompt in class on Monday.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Vocabulary, Toolboxing

Today was a nice day to resume vocabulary work and continue forward with your rhetorical toolbox terms. At this point, your class has taken one or two rhetorical toolbox quizzes, and some of you are not satisfied with your results. As I mentioned in third hour, when you do not have AP Lang homework assigned, you always have the opportunity to define, learn, and review different strategies and modes of discourse. Every time we go over a strategy, you should invest time into memorizing its meaning and retaining the meaning for the future. Use your toolbox -- in index card form or notepad form.

1: We finally returned to vocab experts after a two day hejira into presentations and timed writing prompts. During vocabulary, we met malapropism, zeugma, and anadiplosis, three strategies utilizing diction and syntax to create a tone or mood in writing. Then, the moment of excitement when a rhetorical toolbox pop quiz occurred. Utilizing samples, you were to identify multiple strategies -- all with your handy toolbox as an assistant. Not happy with your first score? You have time to review strategies outside of class and master the definitions of more strategies as we move forward. Lastly, you played on the buzzers -- to review rhetorical strategies.

Tomorrow, we will continue with vocabulary, talk about how to close read a text, and meet the rangefinders, a tool you will see three times this year in AP Lang.

3: We finished presentations! Then, we resumed vocabulary, finishing the 15 words for this unit. While normally we review tomorrow, we will put that off until Monday due to your diagnostic timed writing prompt. Remember, you will walk into the room, take out a pencil/pen and a piece of notebook paper. When the bell rings, you will commence the prompt. At the 40 minute mark, I will instruct you to draw a line to indicate where you are. You will then resume writing - if needed - and have until the end bell to finish the writing.

For the remainder of today, you have your second toolbox quiz, and we played on the buzzers to identify different rhetorical strategies. If you are not happy with your quiz scores, take the initiative and learn and study the terms. There are several terms we have utilized in class at this point that you should have ethos on. If that is not the case, you will need more independent study.

7: We finished presentations! During vocabulary, we met malapropism, zeugma, and anadiplosis, three strategies utilizing diction and syntax to create a tone or mood in writing. Then, the moment of excitement when a rhetorical toolbox pop quiz occurred. Utilizing samples, you were to identify multiple strategies -- all with your handy toolbox as an assistant. Not happy with your first score? You have time to review strategies outside of class and master the definitions of more strategies as we move forward. Lastly, you played on the buzzers -- to review rhetorical strategies.

Tomorrow will be your diagnostic timed writing prompt. Remember, you will walk into the room, take out a pencil/pen and a piece of notebook paper. When the bell rings, you will commence the prompt. At the 40 minute mark, I will instruct you to draw a line to indicate where you are. You will then resume writing - if needed - and have until the end bell to finish the writing.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Mostly Presentations

Just a reminder that you should have your rhetorical toolbox with you during class. You never know when you might need it. Right, third hour?

1: You completed the diagnostic timed prompt today. From an observers' perspective, you appeared to jump feet first into the timed writing prompt pool, so I am looking forward to what you have analyzed. Tomorrow, we will continue with vocabulary, work with some rhetorical strategies, and (maybe depending on time) analyze the rangefinders for your prompt.

3: The whole hour comprised of rhetorical analysis presentations and hooks connected to Whitesnake and Jenga! While these are non-traditional hooks, look how your classmates evolved the stereotypes of song lyrics to the stereotypes of cowboys and the loss of a supporting block to the loss of a beneficial civilization. Tomorrow, we will await the final presentation, work with vocabulary, play around with rhetorical strategies, and possibly something else dependent on time.

7: The plan for seventh hour revolves around presentations. We will finish our remaining one - "About Men" - tomorrow and then return to vocabulary experts and rhetorical strategies.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


1: I am very impressed with the ambition and depth of analysis exhibited by your class this morning. With original hooks detailing historical context, applying modern day analogies, or enumerating the milieu, you created a memorable scenario before even delving into the rhetorical analysis component. (I hope you carry some of these ideas with you for future writing prompts.) During tomorrow's class, you will have your second diagnostic writing prompt. The prompt will be face down on your desk when you arrive to class. When the bell sounds, you may turn over the prompt and begin writing. At the 40 minute mark, I will indicate the time and you are to draw a line delineating where you are at that point. You will then have until the bell -- if needed -- to complete your writing. When the bell rings, your pencil/pen stops writing. Remember, you are not to share the prompt or any information with the other AP Lang classes. If you do so, you are giving them an advantage that you did not have for this diagnostic.

3 & 7: After vocabulary experts, you had the rest of the hour to work on group presentations prep. Remember, to challenge yourself with voice (hooks and conclusions) and with rhetorical strategies (seek out a few difficult ones to merge with the more familiar ones). Presentations will be tomorrow.

SIS Woes

Logging into SIS this morning, it appears that a couple of grades are missing from AP Lang. This would include The Story of an Hour close read and the Gladwell prompt. Don't fret -- I still have a hard copy record that I will be putting into SIS today.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Group Rhetorical Analysis

1: After vocab experts, you had the rest of the hour to prepare for your group rhetorical analysis presentation, which will be Tuesday.

3: After vocab experts, you had your first pop quiz over the rhetorical toolbox. Some of you were not happy with your scores, so I would recommend having your cards/notepad up to date for the next surprise quiz. To end the hour, your group received your text and assignment for the group rhetorical analysis presentation. To expedite our next class period, which is designated for group prep, have your text close read with specific strategies and purposes. You may also want to start considering hooks to engage your audience. Presentation day is Wednesday.

7: After vocab experts, we finished our strategy analysis of Audrey and Frank, utilizing small group and partner sharing. Following a quick round of examples, you received your text and assignment for the group rhetorical analysis presentation. As mentioned in third hour's recap, you should close read the text for Tuesday's class in order to use class time for preparations. Presentation day is Wednesday.