Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 3/4

Don't forget that Friday classes (except fifth hour) will be shorter in duration. This may impact plans for our class and some items may be pushed to Monday.

1: Vocab Review - quiz will (most likely) be Friday. CDQ (challenge, defend, OR qualify) group argumentation in which each grouping used a claim from Lucy Grealy or Ann Patchett as a starting point. Throughout the evidence, you utilized various subject matter to show your breadth of knowledge on the claim. Last up on the docket - tone paragraph #3, which featured a tone guessing game. The topic for first hour was Netflix. If you were absent, you will need to draw a tone as soon as possible -- that means showing up prior to the next class -- to complete the paragraph. We will review the tone words on Friday and share the allusion posters plus other items remaining on the agenda.

7: First, we finished our group CDQ by adding the counterclaim and rebuttal sections. As mentioned in class, what an impressive variety of examples utilized to support your own claims. We added the last three words to our vocabulary vernacular. Ergo, we will review on Friday -- during our brief 40 minute class -- for a quiz next week. Then, we moved to tone paragraph #3 (Taco Bell) and a tone guessing game. If you were absent, you will need to draw a tone words as soon as possible -- prior to the next class -- to complete this assignment. We began allusion poster #4 and will finish sharing your last posters on Friday.

2: First, we finished our group CDQ by adding the counterclaim and rebuttal sections. As mentioned in class, what an impressive variety of examples utilized to support your own claims. We added the last three words to our vocabulary vernacular. Ergo, we will review on Friday -- during our brief 40 minute class -- for a quiz next week. Then, we moved to tone paragraph #3 (school) and a tone guessing game. If you were absent, you will need to draw a tone words as soon as possible -- prior to the next class -- to complete this assignment. Quiz and allusion posters tomorrow.

4: After our vocab review, we spent quality time analyzing the rangefinders for the timed CDQ prompt. As noted, the old CDQ's lacked some argumentative quality but maintained an emphasis of specific examples from a wide variety of subjects and sources. Upon return, the average for your class was a 6.38. Next up, we continue with or apocalyptic theme and wrote tone paragraphs on zombies. If you were absent, you will need to draw a tone card to complete this activity. After playing with tone words, we proceeded to the allusion posters. Up last, we started our practice CDQ quotes. With text one, you are to prewrite (including specific evidence examples) on the front and construct an introductory paragraph on the back.

P.S. I don't know why this makes me excited, but the magnets have arrived! Who knew seeing a box on the porch of magnets sparked a jovial jump akin to a new pair of shoes awaiting wearing?

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