1: We completed brainstorms for empathy, faith, identity, and jingoism. Make sure you hold onto these items for our claim-off on Friday. I am still working on the schematics of a claim-off with 22 students, but I am sure it will come to fruition. After all that fun, you had your first full multiple choice test. For homework, brainstorm a list of humanity's flaws. These are to be general (like gluttony, sloth -- my favorite currently, lust) and not reflect specific examples.
7: We shared our brainstorms for dishonor, empathy, faith, and guilt & then proceeded to complete one more for jingoism. Make sure you keep these brainstorms for our Friday claim-off. Next was the full timed AP multiple choice exam. If you were absent, you will have to make this up during a study hall or after school as it is a full hour and must be in a timed environment. For homework, brainstorm a list of humanity's flaws. These are to be general (like greed, envy, wrath -- adding to my deadly sins from first hour there) and not reflect specific examples.
2: We shared our brainstorms for dishonor, empathy, and faith & then proceeded to complete a final one with jingoism. We will use these brainstorms to have a claim-off during class tomorrow. Following the full AP multiple choice exam, we began Unit 19 vocabulary. For homework, brainstorm a list of humanity's flaws. These are to be general (like greed, envy, wrath -- adding to my deadly sins from first hour there) and not reflect specific examples.
4: After vocabulary today, we shared our brainstorms for the remaining abstract nouns and had a claim-off (or more like an analysis section). The rest of the hour was all about your research essay on humanity's greatest flaw. This is a standard argumentation prompt with the addition of research to help you have more logos/ethos. Tomorrow's deadlines include the flaw, the counterflaw, and the working claim/thesis that you will use for research. Plus, you should read your article packet and have identified the main idea of each article. Lot to do in this last week of the quarter!
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