Wednesday, February 12, 2020


First off, kudos to those of you who wrote your multiple choice questions for A Modest Proposal, especially those in seventh hour as I just finished copying and pasting your work for your classmates. While this may seem a minor activity, becoming a test-maker will help you understand the intricacies of the questions, distractors, and overall accuracy of answers to make you a superior test-taker.

4: Today was our vocab/tone quiz, our fourth MC practice passage, and the start of exemplification. We didn't make it too far, but you have the introduction of the five parts of exemplification: brainstorming, thesis, relevancy, range, and specificity. Since all those terms mean absolutely nothing without actual practice, we are currently working in groups to exemplify the abstract noun of "vision." Thus far, you have created a brainstorm of all the examples you can think of regarding "vision" with the intent to have these ready for class and group discussion next time around. Remember, your brainstorm should include different subjects: art, history, myth, sports, pop culture, current events, math, science, psychology, literature, music, film, and any other variety of ideas. To be able to show a commonality between all those examples conveys maturity and understanding of the topic, two components we want to feature in our future writings.

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