Thursday, February 28, 2019

Accumulating to the Test

After a quarter of prepping for writing and MC, AP Langers are now in the realm of real tests, real prompts, and real skills at the highest level. Today, you turned in your C/D philosophical prompt (with its prewriting), an argumentative exercise accumulating all the parts of argument, exemplification, and vocabulary, or what we have spent many weeks in practice.

In addition today, we had a class tone quiz over all of the tone words from this quarter. If you were absent, you will need to schedule a make-up time a.s.a.p. While our tone work had elements of fun (those quirky paragraphs), the result was having a stronger diction to describe tone and the ability to understand all the options on MC tone questions.

And speaking of MC, you received your MC test back, and we spent quality time analyzing some of the passages and answers for a better round next time. After correcting your mistakes, make sure to bring back your MC test tomorrow so that we may finish the analysis.

And one more item of note, you have the rangefinders for the C/D philosophical prompt. Score those for tomorrow, and we will have a discussion regarding AP-level exemplification. I have a feeling some of you may have done a better job with argument than those in that packet.

Next week, we will be working on a lot of writing and work to do - a synthesis diagnostic so that you have a preview of the style, the rangefinders for a sample, and tips prior to fourth quarter, another argument with exemplification, and the District post-test MC 2 passages. Yes, very busy are we, so make sure you are in class unless of an emergency. Time is very precious, and I would think you want all of the work complete before spring break.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Choices, Choices, Choices

Today's class allowed for our first full MC exam - 5 passages full of various readings, modes of discourse, inferences, tones, context, and even footnotes to round out the questions. The plan is to review the exam during Thursday's class, so if you were absent today, then you have 2 options: you can attempt to make it up during a study hall (if applicable) or after school tomorrow or you will take it during class time on Thursday.

After the exam, we spent quality time looking at the AP exam in full, how its scored (calculations!), and why you after all of the prompts, tone work, writing samples, MC passages, and related AP Lang work have the opportunity to score well on the exam. With 2 months (and a couple weeks) to go, you have plenty of opportunities to review and practice all of the skills (or learn them for the first time if that is the case). As you  may have ascertained, I prefer to give you every possible chance at practice and assessment so that your May test will be a familiar day of school for you.

P.S. Don't forget about your philosophical argumentative prompt that is due by 2:40 p.m. on Thursday. All details are on a previous blog in case you forgot the rules and regulations. With your prewriting box prompt in hand, you should be able to compose this essay with greater confidence. Do your best and don't forget to be honest with the timing!

Monday, February 25, 2019

What You've Been Waiting For

After the past 7 weeks of allusions, tone work, close reading passages, argumentation features, and exemplification through multiple subjects, it's time to put all of that together into essay writing! Today's class was dedicated to setting up an abstract noun or, what I like to call it, a "philosophical" argumentation. To put everything into place, you filled out a box prompt, i.e. all the components of an argument, to set up your essay work. With this pre-writing in your folder, your job is to now complete a take-home prompt, which is due by Thursday at 2:40 p.m. You are on the honor system with this prompt: it is to be handwritten, timed in a 40-50 minute session, you may use your box prompt (however, if you want to change anything on the box prompt, you  must do so prior to timing yourself with the essay), you are allowed to use a dictionary, but you may not use a thesaurus, a friend, or searches while you are in the timing portion. Do remember that this is a timed prompt, so you may have to sacrifice your counterclaim example for the greater good - the rebuttal with a strong ending example. As with any take-home prompt, if you are absent all day, you will take a lovely picture of your prompt and send it to me. If absent, you can wait until tomorrow for the prompt and box prompt for this essay. Or, you can check your e-mail (later today) for the main part of the prompt and the box prompt so that you can start the process.

Updated Fifth Hour Tone Words

The following includes all of our tone words thus far: 

  • ·         Abstract
  • ·         Apathetic
  • ·         Archaic
  • ·         Callous
  • ·         Caustic
  • ·         Churlish
  • ·         Clichéd
  • ·         Clichéd
  • ·         Clinical
  • ·         Clinical
  • ·         Concrete
  • ·         Dejected
  • ·         Dejected
  • ·         Demoralized
  • ·         Demoralized
  • ·         Diffident
  • ·         Disdainful
  • ·         Earnest
  • ·         Earnest
  • ·         Effusive
  • ·         Elegiac
  • ·         Empathetic
  • ·         Enervating
  • ·         Enervating
  • ·         Erudite
  • ·         Fatuous
  • ·         Flippant
  • ·         Forthright
  • ·         Gothic
  • ·         Gothic
  • ·         Incensed
  • ·         Insolent
  • ·         Irreverent
  • ·         Jingoistic
  • ·         Kowtowing
  • ·         Kowtowing
  • ·         Laissez-faire
  • ·         Laudatory
  • ·         Laudatory
  • ·         Malicious
  • ·         Nihilistic
  • ·         Omnipotent
  • ·         Partisan
  • ·         Patronizing
  • ·         Pedantic
  • ·         Pompous
  • ·         Provocative
  • ·         Resigned
  • ·         Reticent
  • ·         Reticent
  • ·         Reverent
  • ·         Sardonic
  • ·         Scathing
  • ·         Sentimental
  • ·         Simple
  • ·         Supercilious
  • ·         Trite
  • ·         Trite
  • ·         Unctuous
  • ·         Urbane
  • ·         Urbane
  • ·         Vituperative
  • ·         Vituperative
  • ·         Volatile
  • ·         Whimsical
  • ·         Wistful

Updated Third Hour Tone Words

Here are all of the tone words thus far:

  • ·         Ambivalent
  • ·         Ambivalent
  • ·         Archaic
  • ·         Bantering
  • ·         Bellicose
  • ·         Callous
  • ·         Candid
  • ·         Candid
  • ·         Cautionary
  • ·         Choleric
  • ·         Clichéd
  • ·         Colloquial
  • ·         Contemptuous
  • ·         Diffident
  • ·         Disdainful
  • ·         Effusive
  • ·         Elegiac
  • ·         Erudite
  • ·         Eulogize
  • ·         Fatuous
  • ·         Hubristic
  • ·         Idyllic
  • ·         Impartial
  • ·         Impartial
  • ·         Incensed
  • ·         Incredulous
  • ·         Informal
  • ·         Insolent
  • ·         Jovial
  • ·         Jovial
  • ·         Lugubrious
  • ·         Macabre
  • ·         Nostalgic
  • ·         Partisan
  • ·         Poignant
  • ·         Polemical
  • ·         Pompous
  • ·         Pretentious
  • ·         Reticent
  • ·         Reverent
  • ·         Ribald
  • ·         Scathing
  • ·         Seductive
  • ·         Sentimental
  • ·         Supercilious
  • ·         Vehement
  • ·         Vituperative
  • ·         Volatile

Updated First Hour Tone Words

Here are all the updated tone words:

  • ·         Abstract
  • ·         Aloof
  • ·         Apprehensive
  • ·         Audacious
  • ·         Audacious
  • ·         Bellicose
  • ·         Biting
  • ·         Caustic
  • ·         Cynical
  • ·         Derisive
  • ·         Didactic
  • ·         Empathetic
  • ·         Eulogize
  • ·         Facetious
  • ·         Formal
  • ·         Forthright
  • ·         Hubristic
  • ·         Idyllic
  • ·         Irreverent
  • ·         Jejune
  • ·         Jejune
  • ·         Jingoistic
  • ·         Jovial
  • ·         Macabre
  • ·         Malicious
  • ·         Malicious
  • ·         Nihilistic
  • ·         Nostalgic
  • ·         Obsequious
  • ·         Patronizing
  • ·         Pedantic
  • ·         Polemical
  • ·         Pretentious
  • ·         Quizzical
  • ·         Ribald
  • ·         Sardonic
  • ·         Scathing
  • ·         Trite
  • ·         Unctuous
  • ·         Vehement
  • ·         Whimsical
  • ·         Whimsical

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Exemplification of Identity & Jingoism

In all classes today, we continued forward with our exemplification work - brainstorming multiple examples for an abstract noun, selecting the top 4 examples that exhibit variable subjects and, hopefully, maturity (remember the suggestion of Caleb Fick = look into the history of Pol Pot so Hitler can be left in the past where he belongs). After those 4, it is all about the range - what would be best for the hook (something that does not need as much explanation), what would be the next 2 to further the exemplification, and what would be the best finale for the rebuttal. With all of these practices, I suppose that means we will have have an exemplifying argument in the very near future. However, before we get there, we have a little group exemplification work. In groups, you brainstormed, selected, and ranged examples for "identity" or "jingoism." Each person in the group has an example to write a body paragraph on for tomorrow's class, which means you have that starting subclaim (topic sentence), specific example, and warrant (concluding sentence).

If you happened to be absent from class, you should select either "identity" or "jingoism" for your abstract noun, brainstorm a list of examples, and then choose the best one to compose a body paragraph. If you don't have this completed for class, you will not have the opportunity for peer review, which I think many of you would like to have for validation or answering any questions or queries.

While third hour finished with the exemplification, first and fifth hour completed their third MC practice from the packet. Make sure to time yourself and take the MC if you were not here today - these practices are very important because we have a full test next week and its best to figure out your strengths and weaknesses now.

And remember while I'm not in class tomorrow, that you have the Proxy Penguin, the Gianini Giraffe, the Omniscient Owl, and the Zenith Zebra to guide you in the right direction and support your writing and MC work. The plan is for you to be with your abstract noun team (absent people will have their own teams) for peer review and sharing of strongest paragraphs and then have time for another MC practice. Next week will be moving into essay work (come on - we haven't had a full essay yet this quarter - you know we will be quite busy the last 2 weeks) and continuing with MC practices and tests.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Those Abstract Exemplifications Continue

In all hours, we completed our second MC passage - with a variety of results! If you were absent, be honest and time yourself 12 minutes for that passage and check with a colleague in your class to see how you did with this one. Afterwards, we worked on exemplification (I have much more detailed posts about our exemplification work on the previous blog - feel free to look under hours that you are not part of as I have some examples there). Using a 3 minute timer and an abstract noun, you brainstormed all the examples you could find - from your brain - and then chose your 3 strongest ones, which were then shared with the class and put in a range.

3 & 5: In addition to the above, you will continue timing yourself 3 minutes per abstract noun for homework and preparation for tomorrow's class. Your abstract nouns are dishonor, empathy, and faith. Remember, no phones or friends or anything beyond that ethos-filled brain of yours!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Range of Examples

Fifth hour did not make it to this part yet, but I'm going to include them in this part of our agenda from today.

There are many ways to compose an argument, especially if you have a non-timed argument (minimum 6 paragraphs with a full counterclaim and example) or a timed argument (join the counterclaim and rebuttal sections together and ditch the counterclaim specific example). In either circumstance, the best way to commence an argument is with an example SHOWING your argument prior to the TELLING of your actual claim. Then, bringing in 3 more examples (including the rebuttal section) to further indicate your ethos about the argument. While the range is up to you for the argumentative exemplification (merging modes of discourse), past students have found success with the strongest (or most specific) examples as first body paragraph and rebuttal with the weaker (or not as much detailed) examples as the hook and the second body paragraph. Really, it depends on your claim and what range you would like to do.

1: Today we explored the world of abstract noun exemplification, which was introduced last week with your "vision" paragraphs. Abstract nouns afford the writer - you - with many an opportunity to exhibit your own knowledge in variegated subjects. To practice mining your brain, you brainstormed examples for abstract nouns in a 3 minutes time period. Our practice nouns today were achievement, absurdity, and dishonor. In all instances, you shared your favorite examples and then we chose the top 4 to create a range.  For instance, our achievement ranged the moon landing, The Odyssey, Nelson Mandela, and Moby Dick (rotating history with literature to show its connections); our absurdity ranged the Bay of Pigs, R. Kelly, Othello, and Jim Crow Laws (starting and ending with history); our dishonor ranged Peter, Lance Armstrong, Macbeth, and Nixon (ending with the biggest example). While choosing our examples, we did discuss what to avoid if possible: Hitler (again), cartoon/immature examples, the standard examples of the average high school student. We also discussed that if you are trapped with only those examples, use them anyway! For homework, you are to time yourself 3 minutes for each of the following words and write down as many examples as possible: empathy, faith, guilt.

3: We started our week of MC practices with passage 9a (remember, don't work ahead in the packet) and its analysis. Remember, each practice is to hep you with the style of passage (denser syntax, inferences, tone determination) and answering the questions with success. After the passage, we returned to abstract noun exemplification, which pretty much covers the recent offering for the argumentative prompts. The idea behind this style of argument is to mine your brain for all those examples that an average high school student would not likely include in their writing. For example, our class worked on the abstract noun "achievement" today, selecting Tom Brady, Nobel Prize Science, Hercules, and Nirvana (Buddhism) for the range. We were cut off there with the bell, which means we wil have more of these practice examples tomorrow.

5: We completed our first MC passage (3a), which focused on modes of discourse, purposes, claims, and other popular questions on the AP exam. Whether you did well or made a couple of errors (me) or had an off day, each MC passage is to help you dive into more syntax-heavy passages, work with breaking down questions, taking part in process of elimination, and answering with greater certainty. Afterwards, we looked at the rangefinders for CDQ prompts, which indicate a strong need for exemplification, especially in the hook and throughout the essay. We'll finish with the 9 score tomorrow and then you will have the opportunity to practice your own exemplification. 

Friday, February 15, 2019

The Random Friday

1: We continued with vocab and tone, which went very well this round as you are definitely embracing your upper level diction! Then, we started our 5 round practice of MC passages with the first one (remember, don't work ahead) and analyzed the answers for future knowledge. Passage 10a was all about antecedents, modes of discourse, and devices, which all come in handy during a multitude of MC work. More MC and CDQ work next week!

3: Since we were limited to 4 AP Langers today, we reviewed our tone words together and individually to further our mastery of this round.

5: With our 7 ladies today, we reviewed our tone words and all those rhetorical strategy cards to prep for next week. Don't forget to have the rangefinders scored for Tuesday.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Quizentine's Day!

In Scholar Quiz, we like to make holidays into our own terminology; hence, we are celebrating Quizentine's Day this week with Valentine's Day trivia in addition to our normal knowledge base. And on this Quizentine's Day in AP Lang, we began each class with vocab and tone work to ensure our vernaculars improve with each and every day!

1 & 3: We then moved on to the CDQ rangefinders to see how argument and exemplification collide! As noted, the more mature, collegiate-level examples gained more attention than the predictable ones many a high school student like to include in their writings. (And while this did not come up today, I would stay away from Hitler - even if he does seem to fit a great deal of the argumentative prompts.) For one more recommendation, select an example for your hook! This is the best way to set up your claim, show voice, and start the exemplification necessary in a successful argument.

5: We reviewed argumentation today via "To His Coy Mistress," which actually works as an "interesting attempt" at Valentine wooing and contributes to identifying claim, evidence, warrant, counterclaim, and rebuttal. As we move back into argumentation, we will first look at the CDQ-style of this mode of discourse. Whether you challenge, defend, or qualify the prompt, you still have your claim as the basis and your own examples to include. For homework, you have the rangefinders to score for the CDQ. Remember, we are just doing 2 activities with CDQ work and then we will concentrate on the more abstract argumentation (like that vision exemplification from last week) for the remainder of the quarter.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

To That Coy Argument

1: We began the hour returning back to vocab and copying down Unit 18 for tomorrow's restart of vocab experts and then turned to the topic of "tennis" for our third round of tone paragraphs. Izzy, you have sardonic as you tone of the week. After our fun with tennis, including the ever-attractive tennis ball scented candles, we reviewed argumentation (redundantly, I know, but it has been a few weeks) and used "To His Coy Mistress" to find the speaker's claim, evidence, warrant(s), counterclaim, and rebuttal. This was quite helpful to help us understand CDQ argumentation, i.e. Challenge, Defend, Qualify, a subgenre of argumentation that once appeared as an option on the AP Lang exam. While we will not be spending a long time on CDQ work, we will have a look at samples and a practice just in case that terminology comes back into play. You have the rangefinders for a CDQ prompt, which you are to score for next class.

3: Basically, the same as above. However, your tone topic was "necromancy" and its forms.

5: You are a tad behind the other classes, but I'm sure that will shortly change. We started with the Modest Proposal MC, another chance at practicing the skills needed for the exam. Then, we moved to copying down Unit 18 vocab for our latest foray into vocab experts. The remainder of the time was for tone paragraphs with your topic of "eyes" for the beholder. Blake, your tone word is trite for this round. We will complete the speed learning portion of tone round 3 for next class and return back to argument.

Monday, February 11, 2019

The MC World

1 & 3: We analyzed the diagnostic MC, particularly the second passage and its emphasis on footnotes (lesson - understand the parts of a footnote and read all of the footnote information; one word often makes the best difference). Afterwards, you completed The Modest Proposal MC, which any absentees will need to complete before moving hence.

5: We started off with the vocab and tone quiz, which was a partner endeavor. We then moved back into MC by analyzing the second passage of the diagnostic MC. Since I'm writing this while you take your tone quiz, if any time remains, we will copy down the next round of vocab and/or start figuring out round 3 of tone words.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Draft 2

1: We completed the vocab/tone quiz and started to look at the district MC assessment.

3: We completed the vocab/tone quiz, and you worked on your second and final draft of the vision exemplification paragraph. If you were absent, complete your second draft for Monday.

5: We reviewed for our vocab/tone quiz, and you worked on your second and final draft of the vision of the vision exemplification paragraph. If you happened to be out of class today, make sure to have your final draft completed.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Specificity of Vision

1: After our vocab and tone review for the partner quiz tomorrow, we spent the rest of the hour in the world of exemplification. The five stages (brainstorm, thesis, relevant examples, range, and specificity) are completed as you received feedback for your first draft of the vision paragraph. Probably the two best suggestions I can give you are to 1. make your topic sentence about the word/idea you are defining (vision in this case) and its qualities or roles in the subject matter of your choosing prior to introducing your person, era, group, movement and 2. bring in as much specific detail as possible to show off your ethos and explain the connection between vision and your example to your audience. Your second draft for this exemplification is paragraph is due by 7:25 tomorrow morning, so you have until then to rephrase, add, adjust, edit, or whatever you need to do or forever hold your typing.

3: Quite similar to first hour with our review of vocab and tone words for the partner quiz tomorrow. However, you began on step 3 of the exemplification process (that would relevant examples) and determined what examples would best validate your thesis and its idea of vision. Next, your group determined the range - whether it be chronological, cause/effect, greatest to least, or some other configuration. Onto step 5, you each composed a detailed paragraph - a first draft - to exemplify and specify the role of vision in many a subject. We made it through feedback of most of the groups, and I shall chat with any remaining writers tomorrow.

5: We finished our new vocab words - finally - and reviewed those and your set of tone words. Afterwards, we were back to the 5 stages of exemplification, starting with the fourth stage of determining the range. Then, you began the specificity portion, which involved composing an individual paragraph on one subject example. (I put some tips in first hour's recap if you need a refresher on what to do for a superior exemplification.) Your first draft of this paragraph is due at the start of class tomorrow so that I may give you feedback for a second draft. MH, I believe your group assigned you a subject for the paragraph, so check your shared document for further clarification.  See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Our First Official MC

In all hours on Tuesday, we commenced our class with the district diagnostic MC assessment - i.e. 2 passages to gauge how you would do on such an exam after our introductory practices. Overall, we averaged 19/29, which is an above average score for AP testing and, especially, for your first attempt at this style of MC. If you are one of my absentees, you will need to schedule a time (either after school or study hall) to take the MC in the next couple of days. (We can't go over the MC until all have completed it.)

1: We finished sharing our last batch of allusion posters and (if my fading memory serves) reviewed vocab and tone words for your hour. In regards to our "vision" exemplification, our two starting groups now have a range for their examples and have assigned each member one of the examples to construct a paragraph, which you shall do for Thursday's class. For our third group, you should have your full brainstorm and thesis ready to for class (don't worry - you'll catch up).

3: We shared our last round of allusion posters with the class, and I hope you learned some new examples for our exemplification and argumentation work! We will continue reviewing vocab and tone words and returning to our exemplification work next class.

5: We did not have our last group share their allusion posters, so that will start our Thursday's class. Afterwards, we will resume vocab, review tone, and return to your vision exemplification. Our upcoming weeks will rotate vocab, tone, MC, and exemplification/argumentation.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Fifth Hour Tone Words

The following list consists of all our tone words thus far. If you notice any repeating tone words, that means we have had that word in multiple rounds, and you should have strong ethos on its meaning!

  • ·         Apathetic
  • ·         Archaic
  • ·         Callous
  • ·         Churlish
  • ·         Clichéd
  • ·         Clinical
  • ·         Concrete
  • ·         Dejected
  • ·         Demoralized
  • ·         Diffident
  • ·         Disdainful
  • ·         Earnest
  • ·         Effusive
  • ·         Empathetic
  • ·         Enervating
  • ·         Erudite
  • ·         Flippant
  • ·         Gothic
  • ·         Gothic
  • ·         Incensed
  • ·         Insolent
  • ·         Jingoistic
  • ·         Kowtowing
  • ·         Laudatory
  • ·         Malicious
  • ·         Omnipotent
  • ·         Partisan
  • ·         Patronizing
  • ·         Pedantic
  • ·         Pompous
  • ·         Provocative
  • ·         Resigned
  • ·         Reticent
  • ·         Reverent
  • ·         Sardonic
  • ·         Sentimental
  • ·         Simple
  • ·         Supercilious
  • ·         Trite
  • ·         Urbane
  • ·         Vituperative
  • ·         Volatile
  • ·         Whimsical
  • ·         Wistful