Friday, January 25, 2019

Tone Round 2

A quick preamble - we have been working on a hodgepodge of items for the first three weeks of the semester - vocab, allusions, tone words, modes of discourse, and MC. All of this is building to official, timed MC passages and argumentative prompts. Barring an emergency, make sure to be in class to be a part of this process (it all adds up to improving your MC and prompt scores) and that you are completing all of the assignments. We have had mostly participation grades thus far as we are attaining more ethos on the aforementioned AP Lang topics (yep, you know that will be changing in the very near future when we score MC and start writing full prompts); hence, the majority of you should have high grades thus far. As with every class, each day is part of the learning process to better attain the skills you will need for the future. If you choose not to partake in all of these opportunities, you may not have the experience that you would like to have.

1: We began our next unit of vocab today with our experts and then moved onto round 2 of our tone paragraphs with your selected topic of zoos. Alas, many of you picked quite derogatory tones towards the zoo, but at least you adopted the assigned attitude. Absentees have the following tones for these paragraphs: Aiden - nihilistic; Rylee - eulogize; Ethan - audacious; Izzy - macabre; Mike T. - obsequious. Do remember that each round of 14 tone words is to help you with MC passages, identifying tone shifts in passages, and aiding your own diction when you write.

3: We completed our last MC practice in a timed scenario, moved into our new vocab unit, and then determined our second tone paragraph topic: Kermit the Frog. Unfortunately, a great deal of tone words this week are quite harsh to poor Kermie! For homework, you have the tone paragraph to write. Absentees have the following tones: Kayla - vituperative; Tanner - poignant.

5: As did third hour, we completed our last MC practice in a timed scenario - this one with footnotes to mix up the question types. Unlike third hour, we then moved on to sharing our tone paragraphs from the previous day, including the volatile, the pompous, and the incensed. To end the class, we had speed learning with this round of tone words. 

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