Wednesday, December 13, 2017

On the Last B Day Before Holiday Break...

If you are nominating your educator or employee of the year, you do no have to fill out that hard copy form - just share it with Julie Leacox by the end of the school day on Friday and make sure you mention in a note whom you are nominating and, of course, your name.

All classes, you also need to read and annotate the Suellen essay regarding her sister - you know her by the name of Lucy Grealy - and her troubled reaction to Ann Patchett's memoir. If you want to read it online, here you are:

1: We accomplished a great deal today - responding to Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress" speaker via rhyme, prose, and timely (get it) argument; completing a practice multiple choice passage to gauge your strategical usage with timing; starting your teacher of the year argumentative mini essay, which will be 3-4 paragraphs indicating this person's strengths on a personal level and a school-wide level. You will need to complete your first draft (required) of the essay and share it to me by 7:24 a.m. on Friday morning. If you would like to officially nominate (yes, split infinitive, regretful), then you will need to share your revised essay with Julie Leacox.

3 & 7 (and probably 4th hour on Thursday): We started class with time for you to finish the first draft of your teacher argument essay. I hope many of you are planning on nominating these staff members - I know I have found out so much about my colleagues through this process! At the end of the hour, we worked with the other half of the argument (that would be the counterclaim and rebuttal - I'm really into parentheses and dashes today - I once had an AP Lit student who constantly worked in parentheses into his essay - that was annoying). On the board, we looked at how you can group evidence together to create 3 "evidence groupings" for your essay's body paragraphs and how you can save one of those evidence groupings for your rebuttal section. Yes, it's true -- you can have evidence incorporated into a rebuttal and you can have a whole paragraph to do so. Overall, if you are writing an essay that is a non-timed writing prompt, you would have, at minimum, an introduction, 2 body paragraphs of supporting evidence and warrants for the claim, a counterclaim paragraph with evidence, a rebuttal paragraph with evidence, and a concluding paragraph. Hmm...why am I so specific with essay structure? Could it be that you will be assigned your last essay of the semester on Friday regarding the nature of Lucy Grealy?

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