1: After finishing up vocab experts for this round, we spent the rest of the hour with fallacies - the packet, Direct TV commercials (once again, not a paid spokesman), creating and performing slippery slopes to entertain us (who knew that not preparing for the Scholar Quiz team would eventually lead you to a Jason Bourne existence?). At the end of the hour, you were assigned the Republican debate transcript in which you will identify fallacies and explain the fallacies. This is a shared document that all have received, and I have clarified the assignment for any absentees. Complete your assigned section for Friday's class.
3: The entire hour revolved around the Republican debate fallacies, so we will have to play with slippery slopes next class. Plus, we will begin our look at the AP Lang MC portion.
7: After reviewing a few more fallacies, we shared your slippery slope fallacies via an animated dramatic spectacle. Then, you worked in groups to identify fallacies in the Republican debate transcript. This is a shared document that features instructions for any absentees. If you have not shared your debate fallacies in class, be ready to do so on Friday.
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